Industrial areas of active investment requirements
10/27/2015 0:00
Dr.. Acer Yassin *
I've received a weak Iraqi economy is a new development impetus in previous years with exceptional oil windfall which had the in the global climate had been suffering from the recession, and looked State then to overcome the period, which affected by the conflict and the recession, which was its results decline of economic opportunities in the region .
There is a combination of several factors make Iraq trade and investment destination target such as new infrastructure development and the development of housing and health care systems and other public services and the promotion of human resources through training in useful skills for the market, and encourage the expansion of the export base, where it will provide a wide range of opportunities for international companies that are willing to do the difficult task of post-war reconstruction.
Some believe that the reconstruction of Iraq offers one of the largest investment opportunities in decades despite the continuing political turmoil that make them fraught business environment risks.
The reference to the investment climate in Iraq comparative analysis in comparison with Other areas of neighboring Iraq that is not in a competitor to other areas and therefore does not need to be the adoption of other factors to make sure that the establishment of an industrial zone in Iraq could have a competition it is possible to attract investment. It must be the overall package be of incentives and procedures provided by the Iraqi government matching at least, that were not more than those offered in other areas in the neighboring countries and the world in order to be successful in attracting investors
To evaluate the future potential and competitiveness of the industrial zone, it is useful to be compared and measured reference exchange for some of the existing industrial zones in the Gulf and Middle East region, which will show that the experience of industrial zones in Iraq suffers from a series of frustrating limitations for any attempt to sustainability as a result of the lack of infrastructure in a sustainable and appropriate in most of those areas and not to allow land available for future expansion of the companies cut.
As The current financial crisis has limited significantly from the services provided by the regions for investors in an orderly fashion and the low level of infrastructure.
We can also Add frustrating factor for the establishment of industrial zones capable of regional competition is the multiplicity of laws affecting the industrial areas that interfere in their establishment, where we find the law free zones and the law of the Iraqi investment and the law of industrial investment that limit each of
the other advantages.
In order to provide the appropriate investment environment of the industrial zone to the extent that makes it attractive for foreign investment, on the Iraqi government to provide a package of benefits of the most prominent:
• chock economic activities type of services in industrial areas such as storage, trade and distribution are the main sectors of the industry operating in those areas, with little industrial activities, they are gateways to regional markets as well as centers for the transfer of goods and means of transport to another for shipping methods.
The facilities provided in different regions sites is a comprehensive Stores and offices and industrial units light and plots.
• amenities such as accommodation facilities for foreign workers and staff generally exist.
There are also other facilities such as restaurants, theaters, supermarkets, health care facilities and utilities
• transport infrastructure availability across the state supported relatively good roads system, where different air link International among the countries that represent additional costs
to investors.
• provide a supply of electricity, water, albeit at different paces, and the need to provide a gas line in a number of areas of continuing electric power and appropriate in terms of cost, and that there is a need for the drainage system
of the Central.
• activating center «single window »which should provide a range of services such as the issuance of all licenses and exemptions, visa and customs procedures ..
etc., and preferably such centers are available in every independent industrial zone and be all of them with independent authority to issue the required licenses and full coordination with industry within the region.
• find a mechanism to improve the efficiency of the establishment of institutions and the licensing process and simplification of customs administration in clusters and export zones. * Iraqi academic
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