I, as well as many of our members have great admiration for you in what you are doing to help Bondlady's family cover funeral expenses. This is exactly what our BondLady would do for us. She was a compassionate lady with a take charge personality that got off the sidelines to help make a difference in peoples lives.
She gave freely...
A web site and forum that she paid for without membership fees so she could share and discuss her research for each of us. All we had to do was participate. Some of us did, some didn't. As with many things in life I wish I had done more. I know that I would not still be invested in the Dinar had it not been for BondLady's dedication and daily commitment to sharing her research and knowledge.
I am a morning person and normally come on line about 4am and I knew most likely that she was already hard at work reviewing articles to share with us. I was totally in awe of her dedication all those years without taking time away for herself. I told her she was so nice to wake up to and she would send me a smiley face and wink at me in the wee hours of the morning.
Just last week I like many thousands of other people on the East Coast
suffered from the effects of Hurricane Mathew. Most of us were lucky and were just displaced and inconvenienced for some time, but there were many that lost family members and total destruction of their property. When you see events such as this where one house was spared and the next destroyed you ask why, only to know that there is yet some untold event in God's plan to unfold, as in the case of why Bondlady was taken so early and not left to finish here work here, God has other plans yet unknown to us.
timmie as I was trying to finish my thoughts I just saw your post that you were successful in meeting your goal. What a blessing! That shows that she was cared for, loved and respected.
Thanks to all, especially you timmie.
Sorry to be so late responding.