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Iraqi Davos

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1Iraqi Davos Empty Iraqi Davos Wed Jun 01, 2022 10:57 pm



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Iraqi Davos

Articles    30-05-2022, 09:11
Ibrahim Al-Abadi

, Iraq missed great opportunities to develop its economy, and wasted hundreds of billions of dollars, many times more than what the Marshall Plan spent on rebuilding Western Europe after World War II (13 billion dollars at the time, equivalent to 120 billion current purchasing value), and

what Iraq squandered was more than South Korea hired him to transform from a poor country into a fearsome economic tiger.

If Iraqi researchers were allowed to determine the cause of the missed opportunities and the current deterioration, they would have responded with great agreement that it is the administration of governance and politics.

The Iraqis compare the two eras of the Iraqi monarchy with the subsequent republican eras, and

it clearly shows that what the monarchy built and the infrastructure that it established and planned in a scarce financial circumstance exceeds what the republicans built with great financial abundance, and

then when comparing the money that entered into the treasury of Iraq in the era of the post-republic 2003, it turns out that there is a major Iraqi (failure) in planning and managing financial and human resources, and in exploiting the available international capabilities and opportunities.

It may be said that dictatorship is the reason, and this is an incomplete problem.

South Korea did not stabilize politically and did not build itself in the way it reached until after the coup of General Park Chun-hee (the rule of Korea from 1961 to his assassination in 1979).

The Koreans lost freedoms, but they gained a renaissance. A great economy that paved the way for a stable political life and impressive economic performance.

It may be said that the reason for the failure in Iraq, as some of those who follow the national and religious trends say, is the struggle of international forces, with the help of regional powers, to prevent Iraq from building itself and preoccupying it with internal and external wars?

Why, because Iraq is the

skull of Arabs for the nationalists, the
capital of the world for the Sunni Islamists, the
capital of the Mahdist state for the Shiite Islamists, the
pearl of thought, culture and civilization for the patriotic narcissists, and the
most dangerous threat to Israel for the resistance,...!!

And building the worldly model, which makes people turn to the world of morale with calmness and poise.

Responsibility in this ordeal lies with three minds: the mind that rules, the mind that theorizes, and the mind that manages, and

if you try to go back to the root of the problem, you will find that behind it is the social formation and the Iraqi cultural context. Jerusalem? Or building the state and society for the purpose of creating a balance of cognitive, psychological and material forces that can confront the actual, not the linguistic and rhetorical?

This issue should not be left to political and partisan bidding, as Iraq experienced since the fifties of the last century, and it has become the power’s weapon to flog society and control its destiny, or the revolutionaries’ weapon against non-revolutionaries who embrace the principles of the school of political realism.

Iraq’s current moment dictates that flexible political minds take advantage of an irreplaceable opportunity, as the global system is heading for change, and

the region is experiencing political vibrations, races of interests, and secret alignments and alliances to confront the earthquake of change and its possibilities and consequences, with the dominance of ambiguity, turmoil and the difficulty of predicting, it is necessary to think about the fate of Iraq during the years The next eight, that is, until 2030.

Will Iraq remain a federal state with its political borders, set by Sykes-Picot and the Iraqi-Turkish agreement of 1926?

What if the worst scenarios of drought and environmental changes materialized, and Iraq was forced to trade its oil for water?

Any rule equation that can survive and achieve if the rentier economy continues to operate according to its current context, financial fluctuations (abundance - scarcity), unemployment, a society that does not produce, a country that exports only oil, a mafia-partisan struggle over money and power, clans fighting over interests, and chaotic forces fighting without goals that are not Of the priorities of the majority of society?

The World Bank says that Iraq has a limited opportunity to carry out harsh reforms to adjust the course,

the white paper is not going as planned by the Minister of Finance,

the conflicting leaders are not in a hurry, their interests are above the interests of Iraq and its nation!

It threatens the stability of countries and international relations, as Europe and the world after the Ukraine war are different from before!

Iraq needs

painful reform steps,
strong external relations of support, and
investments that it should attract carefully and responsibly

It needs an economic vision that the system and society adopt, implement and monitor day by day, in order to correct, amend and dismantle its bottlenecks and mistakes.

The world rushes annually to the Swiss International Davos Forum, to debate and discuss issues of peace, development, migration and its risks, democracy and its volatility, investment and its problems, and markets and its challenges.

The world is being implemented and implemented. The whole world has become exposed and intertwined with interests in everything.

What happens in Italy affects the lives of the Brazilians, as the seventies Damascus plays used to say.

Ukraine shook the world and Putin’s shovels shattered the foundations of seventy years of an international structure planned by the greats.

Iraq needs Davos Alone, the whole world mobilizes and gathers its minds in order to chart a reasonable path that will restore hope to Iraq and work for a tomorrow that is less bleak and more convincing for its pessimistic generations.

Poor thinking, planning, management and implementation needs a societal knowledge (revolution) and a mind like that of General Park Chun Hee, or a Muslim model As Malaysia or Indonesia model.

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