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Specialized team: The audio leaks of “Nuri al-Maliki” are not fabricated

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Specialized team: The audio leaks of “Nuri al-Maliki” are not fabricated

07/21/2022    196

Earth News/ The Technology for Peace Organization revealed, on Thursday, the truth of the leaked audio recordings attributed to the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki.

The organization said in a statement received by Earth News,

"It is the keenness of the Technology for Peace team to perform its work in an impartial and reliable manner in clarifying the facts and exposing fake news to the honorable public."  She added,

"We have worked since the first moments of the blogger (Ali Fadel) publishing the first audio clip on July 13, 2022, which he claimed was part of a leaked recording of the former Iraqi Prime Minister and head of the State of Law coalition (Nuri al-Maliki) to verify this and to publish other recordings.

After that, we continued to work on taking notes about those recordings to find out what they were.”  And she continued,

“Despite the repeated denials of the owners of these recordings and his claim that he fabricated them by quoting and installing clips from his voice and installing them to appear in this way, the observations we made about the video prove the opposite, as follows:

1- After the blogger (Ali Fadel) published five audio recordings with a total length of 16:41 minutes, he claimed that they were part of an audio recording that lasted for about an hour.

Also, in all the circulating recordings, the transition between the sentences was very consistent and natural, and there were no different and inconsistent transitions or the presence of pieces as an indication of the merging of different audio clips.

2- When listening to the five audio recordings that were published, it is noted that the tone of the voice that was claimed to be al-Maliki’s speech was in one layer, accompanied by an echo, free of any difference and without any distortion.

3- By comparing the voice in the circulated audio recordings with that of Al-Maliki in several interviews that were conducted with him, the last of which was broadcast by Al-Ahed satellite channel yesterday, Wednesday, July 20, 2022, a great similarity was observed in the pronunciation of words mentioned in the current recordings and in the meetings with Al-Maliki, Especially the words (Sunnis, Muqtada al-Sadr, Shiites, Shiism).

4- The presence of different voices of people speaking at a different volume, with the presence of sounds of a chair movement and a sound of friction, are additional indications that the circulating recordings were not fabricated by sound-fabrication programs.

5- Extensive research was conducted to identify the tools and devices available for voice spoofing and a number of programs and tools that were covered by news sites in articles were found, such as SV2TTS and AutoVC, which were tested to conduct experiments to fake voices and deceive both the WeChat application that allows users to log in with their voice, And the Amazon Alexa app, which allowed users to use voice commands to make online purchases and payments via third-party apps like Uber, the fake apps managed to trick WeChat and Alexa,

but deepfakes were more successful at mimicking the voices of women and the voices of foreign-born English speakers.

We did not find any applications to falsify the voice in Arabic, especially since the conversation in the recordings included the pronunciation of vocabulary in the colloquial dialect.”

The organization concluded by saying,

“In the end, it should be noted that the above points were written down after reviewing the recordings, and

we shared them to clarify the truth of the allegations circulating about this, pending the competent government authorities and the Iraqi judiciary, which announced the conduct of fundamental investigations regarding the audio leaks attributed to the owners in accordance with the law after receiving a request regarding That's from the public prosecutor's office.”

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