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Oman denies his request for asylum .. Hashemi calls for a parliamentary committee to visit the protected

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Oman denies his request for asylum .. Hashemi calls for a parliamentary committee to visit the protected

On: Friday 6/1/2012 6:29

 Baghdad / long
after the media reported information that the Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi intends to resort to Jordan, has denied the recent receipt of a request in this regard. The Jordanian government confirmed yesterday, it has not yet received any formal request from the Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi to resort to the Kingdom.

A spokesman for the Jordanian government Rakan al-Majali told a news briefing, said that "no truth to reports in the media request for the Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi to resort to Jordan."

The source familiar revealed that Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi asylum to Jordan , while stressing that the Jordanian side, studying the subject.

and the present-Hashimi issued an arrest warrant on charges of terrorism, is currently in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, after being offered to the Iraqi Interior Ministry, in the 19 of December, the confessions of some Hamayate on their acts of violence on his orders.

Majali added "The government (of Jordan) has not received any request with respect to that of al-Hashemi."

It is said that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki warned during a press conference the Kurdistan Regional Government to allow the Vice-President Tareq al-Hashemi escape, stressing that the non-delivery or allow him to escape will cause problems with the region, while demanding to surrender to the Iraqi judiciary.

a coalition of state law, he declared, that the departure of Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi out of Iraq will prove the charges against him and be convicted instead of the accused, as he emphasized that he is making efforts to restore Iraq to the House and Cabinet.

The MP said the coalition of state law, Khalid al-Asadi, "that" the al-Hashemi to come to Baghdad and to stand before the courts to prove his innocence if he really is innocent according to the claim, "adding that" his escape out of Iraq will prove the charges against him and will be tried in absentia. "

Hashemi student, yesterday , the formation of a parliamentary committee representing all the blocks to visit the detainees in the case of the privately with them and listen to them directly for details of the investigation which was conducted with them, calling on the Supreme Judicial Council to expedite the transfer of his case outside of Baghdad to provide the appropriate conditions to conduct the investigation with him, while calling off raids and harassment of his staff .

A statement issued by the Interim Office of the Vice-President Tareq al-Hashemi in Sulaimaniya and received (range) a copy of which he was "in furtherance of the initiative of President Jalal Talabani to resolve the issue, Vice President of the Republic prosecuted according to the contexts of fundamentalism to show the need, ensuring all requirements to ensure the independence and neutrality and impartiality of the judiciary, and protect it from pressure to politicize, which may accrue to the deviation of the path of justice. "

The statement that "speed up a decision of the Supreme Judicial Council to transfer the case outside of Baghdad, is not intended only to provide the conditions for the investigation and the truth, which is a legal requirement and there are many precedents for that. "

The statement called the House of Representatives to "form a committee that includes members of the committees (human rights, integrity and legal), and represents the political blocs, all of us, shall visit the detainees in the case of al-Hashemi (protections and employees) and meets with them individually and you hear them, and explore the circumstances of the investigation with them, and provide official report on this. "

The statement stressed "the need to stop the raids and harassment of all of the headquarters of al-Hashemi and offices of various, as well as the housing office staff and their families and their relatives, to enable them to return to the exercise of their official work in the offices of the president's office," adding that "the two female employees of the female office Mandztan five days without the knowledge of the causes and the place of detention, and hold those responsible all the legal consequences, we demand to ensure the safety of all detainees, without exception, and to release all those detained without a judicial warrant. "

The statement added that "the Constitution and the laws in force to prevent the defendants were held in informal settings and confined the detention and transfer of The guard accused the Ministry of Justice only, "and urged" the presidency of the prosecution and the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Adjutant General of the armed forces to take the necessary to accelerate the deposit of all defendants (protections and staff) in places of detention belonging to the Ministry of Justice. "

The statement called on "all relevant authorities (the Council of Representatives, Supreme Judicial Council, Ministry of Justice, and the presidency of the prosecution) to monitor compliance with legal frameworks and standards set forth in the Constitution and the laws in force. "

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