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Adhere to state law to hold national conference in Baghdad in the presence of all the leaders of the blocks and not dealing with topics of judicial

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Adhere to state law to hold national conference in Baghdad in the presence of all the leaders of the blocks and not dealing with topics of judicial

01/17/2012 | (Voice of Iraq) - Sumerian News / Baghdad renewed the State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Tuesday, stick to Baghdad as the venue for the upcoming National Conference, and asked for the presence of the leaders of all political blocs to prevent a vacuum in the event of reaching solutions to the issues at hand, expressed his refusal to put threads Judicial Conference.

The MP said the state law, Salam al-Maliki, in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "should be a conference in Baghdad, because Baghdad is the capital of Iraq and the capital of the state of Arab and Islamic perspective the political arena of Iraq , "adding," We confirm the presence of all political leaders, so there are no gap or vacuum in the event of a solution that objective. "

He said al-Maliki said, "We should not discuss topics of the judiciary in the conference, but should be a separation of powers that be to eliminate would preserve the prestige of the state and Holiness Iraqi judiciary. "

He called for the rule of law, political blocs to "no preconditions, they hinder the conference, and not to impose the dictates of Foreign Affairs," noting "we will enter an alliance of a national conference armed with the Constitution and when we disagree on any issues there are two opinions either resolved by the Constitution or the Federal Court, not the consensus that we have not only a crisis. "

Maliki said that his bloc "will go with the service of a political process that are suffering the negative behavior, reflected on the disruption of services and obstruction of projects and plans required to legislate and to improve the Iraqi reality," stressing "must that there should be complementarity between the legislative and executive powers even meet the wishes of the Iraqi people, because the first victim is a citizen of Iraq, all of us not to go down to the level of unrealistic demands, Iraq, and one of either the north or the south, and we have to work on confidence-building measures to defuse the crisis. "

criticized Attorney for the rule of law, the Iraqi bloc, stating, "especially that Iraq see progress between now and then Alabr demands, and we are not, however, before the convention was held, we will attend and talk and talk all things that hinder the political process and nation-building, not to put the crisis through the demands that we will submit advance resolving the current crisis, which threw Bdilalha on the Iraqi street and see there is terror and the base and the bombings in Basra and Kadhimiya, Anbar and Kirkuk, Babil, Al Batha. "

and was President Jalal Talabani and parliament Osama Najafi agreed during a meeting held in the province of Sulaymaniyah, on 27 December 2011, a national conference year for all political forces to address issues related to governance, the state and develop solutions crisis has, in rejection of the National Alliance Conference held in Kurdistan, stressing the need to take place in Baghdad and called for his support and keep the issue of Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi for politicization.

On the other hand, considered the leader of the Iraqi List Iyad Allawi, on January 8, 2012, that the city of Sulaimaniya, the best place to hold the conference because it can not be held in Baghdad, where stands the tanks at the gates of the headquarters and houses the Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi and Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi and Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq.

and confirmed the presidency of Kurdistan region of Iraq, 10 January 2012, non-participation of the Kurdish regional president Massoud Barzani, in the event of the conference in the capital, Baghdad, without disclosing the reasons. . But the chief Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and House of Representatives Osama Najafi agreed, in the January 10, 2012, to hold an extended meeting with members of the Parties The three next week in preparation for the National Conference.

The Iraq is witnessing a major political crisis is the first after the American withdrawal, and resulted from the issuance of an arrest warrant against the Vice President of the Republic of command in the list of Iraq Tariq al-Hashemi on charges of supporting terrorism and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's request to Parliament withdraw confidence from the deputy leader of the Iraqi List, also Saleh al-Mutlaq, after the description of the last of the owners as a "dictator, not build," which prompted the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, to suspend its membership in the Council of Ministers and House of Representatives, and submit a request to Parliament for vote of no confidence for Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki .

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