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Najafi confirms the change pyramid of power in the event had not changed "approach to government."
Friday 20, APRIL نيسان 2012 18:10 GMT

The head of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi, Friday, that there is a match to see the Coalition and Iraqi Kurdistan, the need for change in the pyramid of power if not changed, "the Government's approach," considering that the political process in a "stifling" We must not continue, as most likely the birth of new alliances in the coming days.

Nujaifi said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", on the sidelines of his visit to Samarra, south of Tikrit, said that "the political process going through the development Gorge and disagreements large and problems need solutions and you should not continue the situation in this way," likely to "see the coming days of a change in the pyramid of power and building new alliances. "

Najafi and called to the "real participation in the political decision to go on the wheel of progress of national reconciliation", stressing "the existence of match between the list in the visions of Iraq and the Kurdistan Alliance, and if they do not get change in the approach of the government there is a move several blocks to make a change."

Najafi noted that "the political blocs waiting for the national meeting to develop solutions to political problems unresolved."

And on his visit to the city of Samarra, Najafi said that "my visit to Samarra come to look closely at the suffering of the people," adding that "the Salah ad Din province in general and in particular, Samarra came to a situation of exclusion and marginalization."

Najafi and criticized the "excessive emphasis suffocating security in the city," calling to "end the militarization of the city streets."

And announced that the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, on Friday (April 20, 2012), its support for any candidate alternative to the current Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, whether from the Sadrist movement or of the other blocks in the National Alliance.

And waved the Iraqi List, in (April 18, 2012) as well, to form an alliance with the political blocs parliamentary order to vote out the current government headed by Nuri al-Maliki if not implemented agreements Arbil, saying that House Speaker Osama Najafi condition of the Vice President of the Republic Khudair Khuzaie be future meetings to discuss the implementation of agreements and not to present papers.

Najafi was announced, on April 16 now, on receiving the message transmitted from the National Alliance Vice President of the Republic Khodair al confirming its commitment to implement the terms of Erbil in full, with the start to speed up the preparatory meetings of the Committee, while stressing on the availability of the necessary guarantees coupled with a specific time duration.

And select the president, Jalal Talabani, in (25 March 2011), the fifth month this April, the date for the national meeting, also called the Preparatory Committee charged with preparing for the meeting to complete its work before the due date of the contract, as he emphasized the President of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi, the fourth of this April, that the meeting will be held as scheduled, attributing the cause to the widening differences between the political blocs.

The unity of the differences between the political blocs intensified after that shifted from the different Iraqi rule of law to the difference in the latter with the Kurdistan Alliance, too, after the new President of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani (April 6, 2012), during his visit to the United States attack against the central government in Baghdad and accused her of shirking the promises and commitments, while stressing that the Kurds would not accept in any way to be positions and powers, however, one person "leads an army Mleonia and restore the country to the era of" dictatorship. "

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Source: new alliances for the withdrawal of confidence from the government, and Chalabi's the favored candidate as long as the USA has no objections

<h2>Friday, April 6, 2012 11:07

BAGHDAD / Baghdadiya News / .. parliamentary source said on condition of anonymity from the presence of new alliances in the pipeline should be far from sight of the goal-confidence of the Maliki government, And the formation of a new government, costing the Sadrists to choose the president of all the components of the Iraqi people and the working of the political blocs in the political scene.

The source pointed out in his statement / of the Baghdadi News/: attention to the diplomatic move large played by political parties are different, the most prominent of visiting President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani to the United States and meeting with U.S. President Obama, as well as on the visit of the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani to Tehran, and the meeting leader of the current Moqtada al-Sadr as well as the debates now taking place behind closed doors in Baghdad, Erbil and some neighboring countries, which find that the survival of the Maliki government will hold the position in the region and return it to the political and sectarian differences.

The source noted that the new alliances have reached a point of consensus in the granting of the Sadrist movement freedom of selection of a Prime Minister in agreement with other political blocs, and there are indications that Ahmed Chalabi's Iraqi National Congress leader front-runner to head the government proposed if this is not a point of objection from the administration the U.S. and it's still a fixture and important role in the management and move the political process, despite its combat forces out of Iraq by the end of last year.

The source noted that the political map in Iraq will change in the light of political developments and conviction of some blocks that what is happening now could lead the country towards dictatorship, and one-party system, and Commander sole private, and all ongoing dialogues did not lead to realistic solutions result insistence block certain to hold on to all political and security files.

He said the issue of forming the new government will not be easy for many reasons, notably the control of the government and the ruling party of the security services in the ministries of interior and defense as well as the bias of most of the leaders of the teams and brigades military to one side, which will be held position, and makes a conviction for change difficult and need to be international intervention and an American.

The regional shift in the region is witnessing a Saudi intervention and country to make political changes in Iraq in response to the vision blocks seeks to internationalize the political crisis taking place in Iraq. / Finished / 21

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COMMENT: Notice the 2 articles and date of publication. Isn't it possible arrangements for Maliki to be replaced at the time when the National Conference was supposedly cancelled? Then the Northern Alliance meeting to be held today (Sat) and Maliki doesn't show -- Maliki's trip to Iran (where he's supposed to be handling problems and a national crisis from Tehran) was moved up 1 week for tomorrow (Sun) as well as the Kuwait Supreme Meeting the day after on Monday. These events and what they're saying are confirming more and more that Maliki is either out or going out without causing public chaos and retaliation from Maliki's supporters -- JUST IN MY OPINION.Many of these articles have been ignored or not related to what's been happening. To me, it all correlates IMO.

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