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Kirkuk is divided about the decision to set aside Article 23 of the Law on elections

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08/28/2013 12:00 AM

Kurds welcome, Arabs and Turkmen Atasfon
Kirkuk - Erbil
renaissance Ali - Oiled Abdo
varied views of the political blocs in Kirkuk, about the decision of the Federal Court judge to cancel Article 23 special election of the province.
While welcomed component Kurdish decision which confirmed he will work to facilitate the task of holding elections in the city, expressed blocs Arab and Turkmen regret the decision of cancellation, Mattabrtin decision factor can lead to failure to achieve more consensus between the various blocks and plug-in Kirkuk.
was the Federal Supreme Court abolished Article 23 of the election law, Kirkuk's provincial council, which stipulates that "elections are the province of Kirkuk and districts and areas affiliate, after the implementation of the process of power-sharing administrative and security and public functions, including the president of the provincial council and the governor and deputy governor, among the key components in the province and in equal proportions, that given the choice component with a majority in the provincial council to choose one key positions (governor or deputy governor or Chairman of the provincial council). "
Deputy Speaker Arif Tayfur, welcomed the statement received (morning) a copy of it, the decision of the Federal Court judge overturned and the abolition of Article (23), which he described as "unfair." and quoting a statement, the Tayfur, sees no constitutional and legal article, which said it came politically motivated to appease some of the parties in Kirkuk, stressing his support choosing representatives of the province through the ballot box, and joint management, and distribution of posts among the components of the city in a fair and equitable manner, and on the basis of the elections without marginalization or exclusion.
turn over, a member of the provincial council in Kirkuk Turkmen bloc improve كهية, for Sorry mass about the decision of the Federal Court judge to cancel Article 23, stressing that the joint management to ensure success in the province.
pointed كهية Speaking of "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," that the Federal Court look at Article 23 From legal point only, without taking what could result in the consequences of political, noting that cancel does not achieve compatibility between the blocks and components of Kirkuk, and thus will lead to a large number of differences and intersections.
between كهية reservation Turkmen on the resolution, who have an opinion different from it, not especially that Kirkuk province does not apply to them the same thing in the rest of the other provinces, to privacy and distinguish many of the components of the various social, stressing that the abolition of Article 23 will be held things instead of solving it. to that expressed governor of Kirkuk, Dr. Najm al-Din Omar Karim, welcomed the decision, which he said: facilitate and pave the way for holding local elections in the city. explained cream that Article 23 imposed on the distribution of positions, jobs and appointments on the basis of one-third of each component, considering that it's "unfair to the component Kurdish", but he added, saying: In return, it can not infect the rest of the ingredients prejudice, and should be be distributed appointments ratios and their population in Kirkuk. in the meantime, MP from the Kurdistan Alliance Muhsin al-Sadoun, the repeal of Article 23 of the provincial elections law «historic step», saying it is one of the decisions unfair to people of the province, without exception. Sadoun said in a statement LL (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network) that the abolition of Article 23 is a very important decision and historic, imposed in the previous parliamentary session politically motivated particular, stressing that the issuance of the law at the time was something unfair right component Kurds in Kirkuk, especially that impose special conditions including the distribution of positions regardless of the outcome of the election.
Moreover praised the vice president of the provincial council in Kirkuk Rebwar Talabani, the decision of the Federal Court, the abolition of Article 23, especially after the absence of justification core of that article.
considered Talabani, resolution as a key step and important in the way of speeding elections Kirkuk , where there were no elections since long periods of time, stressing that the fears and concerns of the other blocs will melt gradually when grope positive results, indicating that the blocks, no matter how different policies, they eventually will agree in order to develop solutions for the benefit of everyone.
, for its part, refused to block Arabic in the province of Kirkuk, the Federal Court decision to cancel the Article 23 of the provincial elections law, indicating that the justifications that have embarked for it that law still exists. and expressed the Arab bloc through a statement read at a press conference yesterday in Kirkuk, and attended the (morning), surprise of the resolution, which confirmed that he had come without consultation with those issued previously, adding that the process of cancellation is justified, especially as the reasons that led to the legislation of Article 23 still exist, which demonstrates the loss of legitimacy of the abolition of legal terms. statement said that Article 23 initiated by all parties, did not denounce the Presidency of the Republic, calling on the central government and the House of Representatives and authorities and powers tribal blocks and all, to support the people of Kirkuk to preserve its identity, and the granting of full rights to its various components, expressing rejection of Arab component to engage in elections for I check the fairness and transparency and joint management.
Member of the Board of Kirkuk, Mohammed Khader, said the Federal Court decision in these critical circumstances, could hold many of the issues in Iraq in general, and Kirkuk in particular. between Khadr that Article 23 contains many of the points under which the power-sharing and audit log voters, and this is agreed upon between Arabs and Kurds in the elections of Kirkuk. meeting was the joint Arab, held a press conference, attended by the (morning) confirmed during which it rejected the Federal Court decision to cancel Article 23 special election Kirkuk, which provides for the sharing of positions and jobs and administrative appointments in the province.

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