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A senior U.S. official: Iraq will be the sole leader of the Middle East and Basra city of the 21st century (PFP)

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Range Press / Basra

Predicted Inspector General U.S. special affairs reconstruction of Iraq, Stuart Bowen, said Wednesday that Iraq would be "the leader of the region sole", during the coming period, adding that "corruption" is one of the most important challenges facing the country, and among that Washington has tried 90 U.S. citizen on charges of corruption related projects funded by the U.S. government in Iraq, the governor of Basra, acknowledged that Iraq "to corrupt Aahacb".

The inspector general said the U.S. private affairs of Iraq reconstruction, Stuart Bowen, in a joint press conference with the governor of Basra in the Office of the province, and attended (range Press), "The United States was entrusted to me the task of fighting corruption in the reconstruction of Iraq during the past ten years after spotted a budget estimated at $ 60 billion for the reconstruction of Iraq, "noting that" investigations Attpt and presence of 90 U.S. citizen accused of corruption in Iraq and were tried in the United States. "

Bowen described the past ten years in Iraq as "the same problems and challenges and corruption," expressing his optimism as "the next ten years in the reconstruction of Iraq, which will be leader Ohadda in the Middle East."

The Inspector General noted that the U.S. "Basra province of important cities and the development of a program and laws to combat corruption in which to develop," returned them to the "City of the twenty-first century."

For his part, the governor of Basra said Majed Nasraoui during a joint press conference "to maintain readiness for the use of foreign expertise to fight corruption and cut the road to the corrupt program, especially in the reconstruction of the province and the implementation of construction projects."

Nasraoui added, "I discussed with the U.S. Inspector Basra strategy for 30 years to come," noting that "the United States is donor countries Hacpt the employees spoilers while we spent the money and did not hold the corrupt accountable, a guide on its success in the fight against corruption."

Nasraoui pointed out that "the province of Basra formed visual experiences forum, which includes the province of Basra experts to submit their proposals in the field of fight against corruption and how to refer the projects correctly and the closure of the ports on the spoilers for projects in the province."

Among Nasraoui that "some licenses from companies lagging been withdrawn and refer files to the integrity of the accountability and the denial of access to the project in the province," noting that "the existence of the program is pushing up the level of control and supervision of the assignment of projects and put المعرقلات front spoilers and standard in the assignment of projects is efficiency and quality of work. "

The province of Basra and directed the investment in the province in April of 2012, the withdrawal of five investment licenses to the reluctance of the winning companies, to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the contracts signed.

The MP accused the province of Basra, a member of the Committee of the Regions parliamentary and provincial Mansour al-Tamimi on the eighteenth of last September in the province, officials Bzbbhm wasting public money and the reluctance of service and urban projects calling for hauling lagging project files to the Integrity Commission to hold accountable those responsible for negligence

The phenomenon of corruption the biggest challenge to the security side, facing the Iraqi governments since the end of the U.S. war on Iraq in 2003, has reached the levels of corruption in Iraq, an end has led international organizations specialized to put it among the countries most corrupt in the world, solving Iraq in 2012, the last in third place in terms of the level of corruption in it.

The Integrity Commission, announced in (the fourth of February 2013), on the transfer of about six thousand accused of corruption to the competent courts in the past year 2012, indicating that the amount of transactions that took place where corrupt practices exceeded the trillion dinars.

As studies have confirmed an American recent survey, that Iraq has grown is the largest in the region in imports, due to higher oil production, which is the lifeblood of the local economy, but analysts quoted their studies say that the strong economic growth this was accompanied by improvements in the living conditions and services due to the spread corruption.

The Integrity Commission, revealed in its annual report, for 2012, the past, and I got (range Press), a copy of it, a lower value on the issues of corruption in the country of about three trillion Iraqi dinars in 2011 to about 133 billion dinars in the year 2012, and confirmed that the total cases referred to the Iraqi judiciary amounted to about 4278, while showed that the number of defendants referred to the courts reached 5980 people, showed that the number of wanted the hit 8696 accused, including 24 ministers or of Bdrjtah been sentenced to 16 of them.

The newspaper, the Washington Post, said in (the sixth of March 2013), the Inspector General American in charge of the reconstruction program in Iraq, Stuart Bowen, wrote a report, "acknowledged the failure of the program, which began ten years ago at a cost of $ 60 billion."

The newspaper said in its report that the reconstruction effort, which began the hopes and wide in March of 2003 "is now over in the quagmire of corruption and mismanagement," pointing out that the most noticeable in the report "disappearance thanked the" Iraqi officials after they "praise, albeit cautiously "U.S. aid during the presence of American troops.

He said that Iraqi officials "to sharply criticize now what they call missed opportunities," pointing to the adoption of senior U.S. officials to "correct some of those criticisms."

The newspaper quoted a report of the Inspector General, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, expressed "gratitude to the U.S. investment in Iraq," but commented that those billions "it was possible to make a big difference, if done well managed."

The report also included a comment to former finance minister resigned, Rafie al-Issawi, said that the United States had "failed to establish large-scale projects for reconstruction."

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