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D. Appearance of Mohammed Saleh *: Towards a realistic vision of the economic and national curriculum

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D. Appearance of Mohammed Saleh *: Towards a realistic vision of the economic and national curriculum
- Published in 07/19/2014

With the start of the life cycle of the third parliamentary in Iraq, has launched the country held political second as it faces the challenges of economic and social difficulties, will face forming the next government, which is in the forefront comes the quest to raise the adequacy of the national economy and resettlement of the foundations of a strong cohesion and administrative organization of the economics of the country and opening the product on the global economy, Add to the imperatives of addressing cases of leakage and loss in national resources due to poor organization and administrative laxity in the implementation of investment decisions ruling. Economic reforms root in the joints of the national economy all, (the state and the market), has become a pressing need to work among state agencies and institutions governing market team spirit and harmonious, not the plans and programs of ministerial and institutional separate does not possess the ability to engagement plans and programs of other sectors. The unity and integrity of approach to thinking and teamwork, Iraq will lead inevitably to the edges of progress and development faster and rapidly towards the desired goals. So the next ministerial Valhguibh may need to mature ideas and visions and realistic work represents the spark economic and pragmatic methodology Auamlah can be taken together and as follows:

A - Although the trading idea of founding the Council for Reconstruction will function approve and monitor the implementation of strategic projects of national cross-provinces or regions, since the entity organizational and management of the Council requires that did not abandon his main task, being the supreme body for the establishment of large contracts for the central government, provided that an independent advisory jurisdiction shall evaluate high efficiency and fairness of contracts and price moderation, and works in conjunction with the High Authority for the establishment of large contracts for the central government. This does not preclude the provinces to exercise the same approach in conservation projects and one along the lines of what was done by the province of Basra, for example. The proposal comes from the perspective of addressing corruption or waste in government contracting.

2 - promote or spread the idea of regional development, as an alternative unspoken about the use of regional or sectarian of the founding idea of the regions, (which usually take advantage of articles 116-121 of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq in 2005), for the purposes of a political goal of dismantling the country's unity national constitutional). According to the provisions of Article 119 of Aldstornevsh, it could be the idea of ​​giving priority to the developmental territory, as an alternative to the idea of ​​zones, the region, was a territory, (for example), combines the provinces of Karbala and Anbar and Babil province under the name of development of central and western Iraq. To encourage this pattern of the New Territories, being the allocation of not less than 10% or more of the investment budget of the Ministries of the Federal allocate priority to encourage joint development projects in that region development by maximizing user - the product within the region Almzkaruw maximize the added value, through the principle of synergy, synergism, projects and joint activities. Therefore, it is important to issue a law regulating the mechanisms of action of regional development-free dye regional or sectarian and exclusive in its work on the management of development activities and reconstruction common, including foreign investment flowing into the ultimate in service Market Activity National Iraq. It also does not prevent the establishment of chambers of commerce and industrial Aoathad Business and various professional organizations related to economic affairs to jointly operate in the interest of the region development.

3 - as long as Iraq became dependent, mainly on some brands either capital goods or intermediate or consumer which have been imported and the long years of Chainsaws are supported, we recommend the importance of urging those companies, including multinational companies, from using Iraq as a focus productivity eastern Mediterranean for manufacturing and take advantage of local inputs available, and coverage of investment law, within the doctrine prevails in international economic relations and investment ranges where, called (By meeting offset). We note at the same time that the idea of virtual water, (sparked by Prof. Dr. Hassan al-Janabi, in his lecture, the scientific value of the final), which means the import of Iraq for agricultural commodities, (density that we are seeing now), and that originates from countries upstream or riparian other with Iraq from neighboring countries, and grown products exported to Iraq at the expense of part of the share of the country's water. But the seriousness of such an approach practiced by countries Jawaraly long-term, we see the importance that include the issue of the establishment of agricultural companies large common in Iraq and style partnership with Turkey, Syria and Iran, where it will be the role of these companies future role of pressure within the adoption of a diplomatic alternative water, and counted, as leverage additional to maximize Iraq's share of water flowing to him from the states upstream, (Turkey and Iran), and state traffic (Syria).

4 - extending the benefits of the program of the United States in the so-called, (alternately cash currency swaps), is currently taking place, for example, between the United States and many countries of the world, so as to encourage the use of those funds to be deposited in Iraq in foreign currency to meet exchanged for local currency and duration long investment in productive projects in conjunction with the Partnership or the depository, including maximizing and development in our country. The experience can be refined with the European Union or Japan or China, and in line with the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 as amended.

5 - Development of strategic crude oil production after selecting point optimization in the production of crude oil exported, but not six million barrels per day, then directs the production extracted from crude oil to be input for refining projects or petro-chemicals local (whether national or international joint), and including maximizes value added to the wealth of the impoverished.

6 - encouraging investment Iraqi joint (government and private sector), to invest in projects outside of Iraq, such as buying farms in countries with fertile land, promised that the requirements of food security national overtime, especially in countries such as Vietnam, Ethiopia and Southern African States, or other countries Her experience in the field of international agricultural investment cooperation covered by foreign direct investment in the world today, provided that the study relies minutes and convincing of the economic feasibility of such foreign investments.

7 - establishment of naval fleet Iraqi partnership Iraqi - an international, contributes to the transfer of crude oil, gas and petroleum products by Iraq, in the export side, in order to maximize the added value of oil Almusdromstqath, on the other hand, takes the fleet of transport and other national trade import to Iraq, to maximize the diversification of activities Amolh of income in Iraq. To contribute to the state and the Iraqi private sector and foreign companies proportionate shares in the fleet.

We would like to note that maximize the economic partnership between the state and the private sector, should be adopted, as a platform to build the national economy for the next phase; (State Economic Partnership).

8 - the amendment of Article 28 of the Banking Act No. 94 of 2004, (prohibited activities), to allow banks to invest in joint activities mentioned above and be Athandha, (Public Finance and the Central Bank), encouraging and guarantor of liquidity of banks participating in the investment, especially when exposed the bank to a liquidity crisis where it is difficult Filter investment interests in real research topic, and be regulated by law or regulation.

9 - Create a bank of Iraqi expatriates, or a bank window inside and outside the country who wish to Iraqi expatriates in the investment banking deposits in Iraq, to be exempt from tax revenues, and enjoy the freedom of foreign exchange without restrictions. And granting expatriates the right to direct the investment of those deposits or revenue under the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 as amended.

10 - as long as Iraq will be dependent on gas supplies from the Islamic Republic of Iran for quite a few, to run power plants, as well as to provide a supply of direct electric power, it was proposed to pay the prices of imported gas and supply Alambashrelltaqh electrical cross bartered crude oil to the Iraqi equivalent., And I use the same principle with foreign oil companies operating in the fields of southern and central Iraq, and its payment in kind and the expansion of this principle. Thus, this proposal will ease the cost of service contracts or other contracts with foreign companies that charge their fees in cash for the theoretical energies of the oil fields developed, and the availability of additional quantities of oil are due to development and that are difficult to export because sometimes the international market fluctuations.

Note that this proposal achieves something of a hedge about the decline in global oil demand in some seasons, and at the same time provides an additional financial stable Iraq by maximizing the flow of the country's oil exports.

11 - Re-evaluating strategies National sixteen currently approved and endorsed by the Cabinet in the light of proposals Anfa or any other proposals offer a way to achieve harmony in the vision of economic and social future of Iraq, to take over the House of Representatives legislation such strategies first, in order to be binding on the long-term and then give the executive branch the power to modify them whenever necessary, which is to achieve compatibility and relevance of the objectives of the annual federal budget, allocations and short-term, and long-term strategic goals in implementation and through five-year plans.

*) An economic researcher and deputy governor of the Central Bank of the former Iraqi

 Copyright Network economists Iraqis. Permission to quote and re-deployment, provided reference to the source. July 20, 2014

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