*****Supreme Council presents a proposal to resolve the crisis to the satisfaction of everyone*****
On: Sun 09/04/2011 19:51
*****Iraq: lack of seriousness of the rule of law Adyaly***** not set a date for a meeting of leaders of blocs Baghdad *****- Alaa Fadel criticized member of the Iraqi Ibrahim al-Mutlaq, *****the rule of law for lack of seriousness in ending the political crisis in the country***** and lack of commitment to the initiative of Arbil.***** Mutlaq said to (the citizen): *****»So far, no is a fixed date for a meeting of leaders of political blocs***** in the house of Talabani as expected during the week ». *****He »said the meeting will aim *****to resolve the crisis between the Iraqi List and the rule of law». *****He said al-Mutlaq »was supposed to hold a meeting this week, but the lack of seriousness rule of law in case of ending the crisis without setting a deadline for the meeting ». Continued »that the Iraqi List, believes that the counterparty is not apparent in his dealings with them so I think there are no signs of a breakthrough in the crisis in the coming days». The MP for the Islamic Supreme Council of the internalized within the National Alliance, has revealed, on the proposed Council intends to put to find a political consensus to end the the current crisis, and while he stressed that the proposal is not aimed at toppling the government but performance evaluation, did not rule out that the Council submit no-confidence than in the case failed. The MP said the inch in a press statement »that« the Council will present a new vision and a proposal and Parwau Jdido to solve the long-awaited », hoping to« deliver a proposal to accept the political parties so that they can go to the political process in an integrated manner and to the satisfaction of everyone and the Iraqi street », without reveals the proposal. He added an inch to «project of the Supreme Council does not aim to overthrow the government but it is a gesture to improve government performance», but he also said of «possible for the Supreme Council when he sees that the role of the government did not properly withdraw them confidence». Download inch heads of political blocs «responsibility most of the failures experienced by the political process», indicating that «the differences visions cross between the blocks preventing them from providing anything for the Iraqi people and insisted on the personalization of their party and their masses and their lists and moved away from the interests of the people». The inch that «there Snmyat and heads tried to have a dictatorship in all decisions which have failed to provide anything for the Iraqi people over eight years », indicating that« it was supposed to be a member of parliament, the people who elected him, not a block that belongs to them so that she can reach the members of parliament to a common vision to serve the country because the survival of his administration by the heads of political blocs means staying late and behind ». and live the country's political crisis is not to complete formation of the government and the lack of agreement on the names of the ministers who will manage the security ministries until now, mentioned that the relations between the political blocs took the character of push and pull and rivalry for power, especially after the elections that took place on the seventh of last March, which led to delays in moving the political process forward in a government that has not yet been completed, with much bickering among the largest blocs parliamentary commissions and are a coalition of state law, led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the list Iraq's Ayad Allawi.
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