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[tlm724] wow Rocky thanks for posting this one !
[tlm724] I just talked with BondLady about this annoucement and she shared her thoughts with me.
[tlm724] She believes this is geared towards all the dinar that is piled up all over the country. You know if you ever do news searches how there will be a picture with certain articles with the dinar stacked up high in pics.
[tlm724] piles and piles of them
[tlm724] Well she believes the CBI wants all those notes checked for counterfietting, sorted and bundled up and returned to the CBI.
[tlm724] This will give the CBI a better idea of how much currency is still in circulation as well. She reminded that there was an article that said the Kurds have billions of dinar that need to get back to the CBI.
[tlm724] I asked her wouldn't you think this would have already been normal operating procedures for all these banks ? She said what is normal for Iraq ? Great point ! that is so BL lol
[tlm724] Now whether this is for the New notes no one knows that. Is it possible? Anything is possible at this time in Iraq.
[tlm724] The good news is that they pulling in huge amounts of dinars off the street ! The CBI can't have all those notes piled up all over the place
[tlm724] make sense to anyone ?
[miraklocura] tlm724 pulling dinars off the street is good news
[cstacy] thanks tlm724
[tlm724] miraklocura yes it is !
[tlm724] cstacy yqw anytime !
[cstacy] tlm724 they burn them ?
[therealbubbie] tlm724 yess ty !!
[tlm724] cstacy the torn and tattered notes for sure, can't say what they will do with the good ones
[cstacy] tlm724 k
[therealbubbie] change the rate !!!
[tlm724] yes please bubbies !
[tlm724] supple and demand dwindling
[tlm724] plus they are all trying to get their hands on the USD so lots of dinar coming back in
[therealbubbie] the demand will only be high when they change the rate !!
[tlm724] therealbubbie yep right now they are trading them in for greenbacks, sure does bring a bunch of dinars back in !
[tlm724] Mikey do you any thoughts please ? the big machines were for the CBI and it's branches, I think the CBI is providing the smaller models for these new procedures ?
[Mikey] they bought 10 at 1.5 mil each probably for the CBI ... there are smaller less expensive infared sensing models that maybe used by the local branches
[tlm724] Mikey yeppers ! I remember that order when it went out from the CBI
[tlm724] Mikey heres a rabbit out of my hat
CBI announcement awarding Del A Rue contracts for new machines ******* Announcement Direct Invitation No. (6D/2011) We would like to advise you that the above invitation has been awarded to De la Rue company in a total amount of (15,947,003/-) (Fifteen Million nine hundred and Forty seven thousands and three dollars) which represent the price of (10) ten Machines including the price of spare parts shipping Fee and installation in Baghdad. TO those whom have an objection can submit it within the legal period which is (7) seven days from 23 oct. 2011 Central Bank of Iraq Legal Affairs Department Contracts
[tlm724] how ya like that for service ? lol
[Mikey] I found the one dated April of last year but thought it was much futher back
[tlm724] Mikey see there I had that one saved.
[tlm724] okay well we will see where all this lands , thanks eveyone !
Lifes purpose is not to arrive at the grave in a well preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways shouting HOLY CHIT what a ride