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Parliamentary economy reveal the 50 thousand dinars coin put into the market this month

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Najib has no clue what she is talking about as usual ! I call BS on this one , see the article below and the 2 below it also . States clearly that the 50 k note will be at the end of year. ! Watch the CBI  ! I'd be shocked if they came out this soon


The central bank's "Tomorrow Press:" the project to delete the zeros will be applied beginning of the year 2017

2015/06/25 16:05

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Tomorrow Press / BAGHDAD: The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank, on Thursday, that the project to delete the zeros will be implemented in early 2017, indicating that the Bank embarked on the development of the first steps of the project. Keywords and said for "tomorrow Press", "The goal of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency is to support the Iraqi dinar and make it a competitor of foreign currency ", he returned him as" that strategic project will serve the country's economy. " He added that "the Bank is working on the mechanisms used to implement this project is expected to start by the beginning of 2017," noting that "the central bank began the first steps for the project through the selection of designs, companies and the country that will be done printed currencies ". He pointed out that "the introduction of new currency does not mean the destruction of the old currencies, but it will continue to trade to about ten years," pointing out that "this period will enable the central bank to withdraw the old currency in accordance with the mechanisms will maintain market liquidity. " The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives earlier revealed, (August 15, 2013), the postponement of the process of removing zeros from the currency until after the next parliamentary elections, while confirming that the government is demanding guarantees for non-substituent currency return to markets and forgery. The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed, in the (April 25, 2013), that there is no intention at this time to restructure the currency and delete the three zeroes of them, denying the reports in this regard. It is noteworthy that the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced (April 12, 2012), for the wait in the application of the process of deletion of zeros from the national currency and that require action to stop all associated with the operation mentioned until further notice. It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is not formatted for the time being for the deletion of zeros from the dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to be a security and political stability as well economic stability.

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Last edited by tlm724 on Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:28 pm; edited 2 times in total

Lifes purpose is not to arrive at the grave in a well preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways shouting HOLY CHIT what a ride



Central: 50 thousand dinars category in January

06/21/2015 12:57

Past the bank in its procedures for issuing higher than the current local currency category, and it has been studied this subject from all its dimensions.

BAGHDAD / Obelisk: Central Bank of Iraq has decided to put coin 50 thousand dinars in the month of January, while the currency has decided to wait in the 10 thousand dinars introduction of new Bhltha which was expected released this month.

The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, at a news conference carried by the local media, I followed "obelisk", "The bank's past in its procedures for issuing higher than the current local currency category, and has been studied this subject from all its dimensions."

Keywords and added that "the currency will be 50 thousand dinars being printed by the end of this year", adding that "100 A class may be issued in another time and asked to delay it to avoid any inflation in the Iraqi market."

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi currency has been replaced after the end of 2003 that laid out a plan for the withdrawal of the previous currency from the market and replace it with new.

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Urgent Governor of the Central Bank: 50 thousand dinars category in press and will go end of this year


{Baghdad: Euphrates News} The governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, on Saturday, during a press conference that the 50 thousand dinars category in press, and will go to the end of the year Gara..itba

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Lifes purpose is not to arrive at the grave in a well preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways shouting HOLY CHIT what a ride

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I think I'm gonna set my Dinar clock to about 2019....and just gas up my RZR and go do some burnouts and jumps until then.

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