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The House of Representatives condemns Turkish aggression on Iraqi territory and ending read 7 laws

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The House of Representatives condemns Turkish aggression on Iraqi territory and ending read 7 laws
Nissan's 27.2017 42 Views
The House of Representatives voted in its regular twenty - ninth session , which was held under the chairmanship of Dr. Salim al - Jubouri , President of the Council and in the presence of 180 deputy on Thursday 27/4/2017 condemning the Turkish aggression on Iraqi territory and the capital of Basra , Iraq 's economic law while reading ended 7 laws.
At the outset of the meeting MP Ahmed al - Asadi read out a statement in which the Iraqi people congratulated liberalization spend the urban control of the organization Daesh terrorist, stressing the liberation of the urban city is complete , enter the popular crowd to the center of the judiciary after its liberation yesterday parts of the historic city, adding that the popular crowd fought to save residents of areas of Nineveh and help the displaced ones as well as the protection of historical relics.
And it denounced the security and defense committee in a statement read by the governor Zamili MP Turkish shelling of the district of Sinjar , and Habur Makhmour under the pretext of striking the PKK forces , which led the fall of the martyrs of the Peshmerga forces, adding that Turkey add this attack to their attacks on Iraq 's record new aggression after the abuse of Turkish President Foundation 's popular crowd.
The statement called for condemning the Turkish aggression of violating Iraqi sovereignty and interference in internal affairs and not to allow any foreign force presence on Iraqi soil without government approval and not to allow any force to be a base or corridor in the use of Iraqi territory by organizations or parties are opposed to the neighboring countries and demand the Turkish government to provide an official apology for all violations that touched ethnic sovereignty and to compensate families affected by asking the Foreign Ministry to transfer the attack to the UN security Council and demand that the government summoned the ambassador, noting that handles security and defense committee follow up the implementation of the government The paragraphs of the resolution above.
This was followed by MP Khalid al - Asadi a statement on behalf of the Foreign Relations Committee , in which he referred to Turkey proceeded to the business contributed to tension in relations with them, expressing dissatisfaction with the Council's to accuse Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan , the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the condemnation of his remarks against the popular crowd, as well as condemnation of the Turkish planes bombed the city Sinjar as a flagrant violation of Iraq 's sovereignty and the inviolability of its territory, calling on the Iraqi government and the Foreign Ministry to intervene to stop such interventions.
The Council voted unanimously on the recommendations contained in my statement to the Committee on Defense and Foreign Relations Security Council to condemn the Turkish attack on Iraqi territory.
On the other hand, Mr. Chairman of the House of Representatives announced the identification of timings special with questions oral made by the ladies and gentlemen deputies, noting that he was determined on 9-5 date to host the President of the Office of Financial Supervision and the day 13-5 date for the Minister of Municipalities and reconstruction and on 11-5 date to attend President of the institution of political prisoners and determine the day 13-5 date for the presence of the Minister of Electricity and 11-5 on the date for the presence of the President of the national Investment Commission and on 25-5 date for the presence of the Minister of Commerce.
President al - Jubouri noted not to set a date for the presence of the Minister of Higher Education for traveling as well as specifying a later date to host both the Prime Minister and the Minister of Water Resources and the Minister of Oil and Chairman of the Electoral Commission to answer an oral question.
In another context , President al - Jubouri announced to send the Minister of Agriculture officially a book often using non - objection from attending specified in the 29-4 interrogation session that is to make a formal request includes the interrogation documents , noting that the Minister of Agriculture pointed to the lack of access to documents and documents in order the answer to the interrogation by providing documents required to be able to answer questions in full or professional at a subsequent meeting.
For her part , expressed MP Zainab al - Tai Introduction request questioning its willingness to send documents and archives of interrogation to the Minister of Agriculture in order to proceed with the process of interrogation.
In another context , President al - Jubouri called committee members of affairs and security and defense committee to provide an acceptable formula on the issue of assigning a number of ladies and gentlemen deputies combat missions, humanitarian or follow the course of the fighting.
Then the Council voted on the proposal of Basra , the capital of Iraq 's economic and submitted by the committees of the economy, investment and legal law in order to develop and strengthen Iraq 's economic reality and to bring about a comprehensive economic development and the advancement of the standard of living and service of Iraqi citizens and public and private visual citizen.
President al - Jubouri , decided to postpone the presentation of appeals on the membership of the MPs Health Charter Ibrahim Fares Sangaree and Safa Al - Ghanim and Adel machine gun, indicating the inability to offer appeals to the lack of a quorum of two - thirds of the members of the House of Representatives.
And postponed the Presidency vote on the draft law of the Iraqi body was to adopt and submitted by the Committee on Economy and Investment and the proposed union health professionals and submitted by the committees of civil society, health and environment institutions of law as well as the postponement of the vote on the proposed third amendment to the Law of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Law No. (53) for the year 2008 and submitted by the Commission on Human rights.
The Council for the first reading of the draft law to the State Council next week and submitted by the Legal Committee until a debate about it with my presidency of the Republic and the Council of Ministers.
The Board completed the first reading of the proposed special grades bodies independent and provided financial and legal committees of the martyrs, victims and prisoners law, which was in line with the call for feminine ministries and state institutions and to reduce financial expenditure and public spending and the restructuring and consolidation of functional grades of heads of independent bodies and their deputies and the decision of the Council of Representatives adopted at the meeting No. (40 ) on 12.11.2015.
The Board completed the first reading of the draft Communications and Informatics Law and submitted by the committees of culture, media, services and reconstruction for the organization and management of the telecommunications sector and information technology in the Republic of Iraq and drawing its general policy and to identify the competent authorities the process of allocation of frequencies and the organization and the granting of licenses and permits and the protection of national wealth in these sectors and ensure optimal use of the spectrum in order to encourage investment in the telecommunications sector and ensure the protection of the interests of beneficiaries and provide better services to them and keep pace with the technological development and support economic development in this area.
Council 's first reading and completed project of the Iraqi National Oil Company Law and submitted by the Oil and Energy Committee for the purpose of establishing the Iraqi National Oil Company and enable it to discharge its work in the best way and to ensure that the exercise of its work towards independence and the entry into force of the provisions of Law No. 123 of 1967 on them.
The Presidency has decided to postpone the first reading of the draft health insurance law and submitted by the Committees of Health, Environment and Labor and Social Affairs at the request of the Health Committee.
The Council finished reading a report and discussion of the proposed operation of the first submitted by the committees of higher education and scientific, financial, legal research and law graduates.
In the interventions of Ladies and Gentlemen , the House of Representatives MP Riad Ghareeb stressed that the proposed law will contribute to encourage students and their efforts in the study.
He said MP Adnan al - Asadi said the proposed law is in line with efforts by top graduates, calling for the inclusion of institutes and colleges within the bill.
The MP noted Ashwaq dry to the need for the inclusion of humanitarian colleges, giving priority to government colleges to study the morning with the importance of giving the top three students in each faculty priority appointment.
It demanded MP Hanan al to clarify the obliging ministries to appoint the three top students where in the event of not having a chance to set in colleges.
The MP Ammar Tohme that the proposal Aleghannon will provide an opportunity for the benefit of state institutions by providing them with efficient elements.
For his part , Mr. Torhan Mufti representative government owning its own government on the proposed law for the Notes will be cured through meetings with the relevant committees soon.
In response to the interventions of the Committee on confirmed that the universities received the proposal of the law it is not confined to public universities, but all officially recognized universities , noting that the law includes the top three on the practical and humanitarian sections, pointing out taking into consideration the ladies and gentlemen deputies Notes to mature the proposed law.
The Board completed reading a report and discussion of the proposed third amendment to the Law of Governorates not organized in a region Law No. (21) for the year 2008 submitted by the committees of the regions and governorates that are not organized in a region and legal.
The Board had read the report and discussion of the proposed Fourth Amendment to the Law of Governorates not organized in a region Law No. (21) for the year 2008 submitted by the committees of the regions and governorates that are not organized in a region and legal.
In the interventions , ladies and gentlemen MPs, MP Abbas al - Bayati stressed the importance of merging the proposals of laws by law and one that is determined by the upper limit of which does not exceed the number of members of the provincial council of 25 members , noting that the members of the districts and sub - districts have been appointed since the US civil administrator in the past , which requires revision.
He noted the MP Furat al - Tamimi that the past experience of local governments proved the need to reduce the members of the provincial council that includes executive positions in local government, especially Maitalq deputies of the provincial council chairman and his advisers.
He noted MP Hassan Turan that the draft laws on local governments to reduce the powers of the provincial councils , which Maitard with the Iraqi constitution.
It proposed high Nassif MP to assume a member of the provincial council and district administration to which he belongs.
MP Hamid noted that the proposed vegetative two no financial obligations, but the rationalization of receivables, demanding reduction in the preparation of advisers and assistants executives in local councils.
In response to the interventions, the Committee concerned showed that the reduction of the preparation of the members of the provincial council should be based on rational criteria and process with finding a solution to the fate of the members of the cutouts and neighborhoods in the provinces, noting that the abolition of Councils is unconstitutional that the duties administrative, service and oversight.
The Board completed a report and discussion of the proposed second amendment to the law of sports clubs Law No. (18) for the year 1986 submitted by the committees of youth, sports and civil society institutions.
Then decide to adjourn the meeting on Saturday 29/4/2017.

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Iraqi Council of Representatives

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