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My understanding: sovereign funds stabilization projects are funded

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My understanding: sovereign funds stabilization projects are funded

30/10/2017 12:00 am
Baghdad/Hussain thghb

Baghdad Forum organized jointly with the economic Cabinet Secretariat recently his workshop II (series Porsche agreed between the parties), under the title "sovereign funds and their role in the development of the Iraqi economy," moderated by Vice Chairman of the Administrative Board of the Forum-the Economist on behalf Jamil Anton in the presence of elite officials and parliamentarians and local economic and foreign personalities, academics and representatives of some international organizations and embassies, the World Bank and the United Nations.

Other sources of income

The Secretariat confirmed in her speech that "economic Baghdad Forum workshop comes to support the steps the Government and the private sector to unite the visions and actions for the development of the Iraqi economy and diversify sources of State revenue to future economic shocks.

The Chairman of the Administrative Board of the Economic Forum the Knight Salman Baghdad into "one of the goals of the workshop is to develop platform for strategy of serving the economic security that is part of the Iraqi national security with a view to completing the process of sustainable development, as well as the workshop to come up with recommendations about boxes Sovereign to be established as well as identifying its goals and rational management and governance mechanisms by utilizing the experiences of other countries are ahead in this area with a national touch to the requirements of the Iraqi economy."

Sovereign funds

The workshop included 7 research papers we'll have one day in detail which is former science and technology Minister Raed Fahmi, entitled (sovereign funds) have addressed the definition of the concept of sovereign funds, sovereign funds President varieties and goals (stability funds, future generations Next, investment companies, economic and social development funds, potential pension reserve funds), and the seeker strategies these funds work, turning to the role of these macroeconomic funds at the national level (inner) and at The paper also discussed the forms of international legal frameworks for boxes and examined and management and governance as well as the risks it faces, and the conditions for successful investment funds Centre within the country, as paper pros and cons of each type of funds (negatives intended here are the risks Arising from mismanagement or non-use of the Foundation's objectives, etc.).

Dutch disease

Turning the paper on the phenomenon of Dutch disease in affluent countries, financial and sovereign funds play a role in mitigating the phenomenon.

My understanding, addressed his paper "a successful fund deposits and safety deposit box and turning to his duties and funded and overseen by the actors and monitor its performance, and offered another model research paper successful and permanent school fund is a special fund Texas Texas aims to finance the building of schools in the State.

Stop my understanding when you aim for strong financial performance include the funds and means that the expectation that beats the performance of the Fund, any return of investments and various its investments, standard portfolio performance in terms of overall relationship between risk and return, and include the benefits that flow from that performance and the ability to fund for Projects within the country, creating greater savings for posterity, "saying it" will help stabilize the local economy and earn royalties beyond those traditionally obtained foreign exchange holdings, as they create SWFs diversification benefits for country or State concerned. Diversification leads to reduce risks in several ways, the Fund's income can also be used to finance economic and social projects "socially desirable.

Sound governance

Opened for discussions and interventions and touched the head of the governing body of the Knight Salman Economic Forum of Baghdad intervention raised seeing forum where noted that Iraq has abundant natural sources of wealth and resources, financial and human resources as well as the importance of the region's geopolitical location, why Urgently to be a rational management of its resources and economy, and this requires the reorganization of the Iraqi economy to promote sustainable development by creating a dynamic economy, creating a package of sovereign funds managed in a rational and transparent governance as well as the development and support of the Iraqi Fund The external development as an influential Iraqi State tools to secure critical area within the Iraqi national security theory.

And the richest business workshop attendees of their interventions and the exertions I added a case of constructive interaction and finally concluded that the requirements to move to create a package of sovereign funds and legal frameworks and methods, management and funding and realigned implementation and control functions.

A Joint Committee was formed of experts from the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Economic Forum in Baghdad to write recommendations.

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