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Party leader Talabani: It's time to lift the injustice Altariha than 40 million Kurds in Kurdistan

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22.11.2011 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add comments - Sumerian News / Sulaimaniya confirmed leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan led by Jalal Talabani, President of the Republic, Tuesday, that the Kurds are considered an important part of the changes taking place in the Middle East now, and while that between the time has come "to lift the historical injustice" of 40 million Kurds in the Greater Kurdistan, he expressed "no fear" the possibility of winning political trends that have emerged in the region recently. A member of the Political Bureau of the Party, Mullah Bakhtiar, in his speech during the opening of the Festival Clauaz (Morning Star ) literary, Bdorth of 15, in the city of Sulaimaniya, 364 km north of Baghdad, said that "our generation when the revolution was raising the slogan of self-government, demanding that before then federalism," noting that "the new generation of Kurds will not accept to stay within the framework of the gains achieved by the older generation. " said Mullah Bakhtiar, who oversees the festival, the "new generation will demand compensation for the blood of every Kurd, especially in countries that are still rulers did not recognize their rights but do not allow the definition of ethnic groups other tragedies of the Kurdish people," noting that "the time has come to lift the historical injustice of 40 million Kurds in the Greater Kurdistan. " The Greater Kurdistan political term used by nationalists Kurds to a large geographical area extended in several countries including the Kurds, including the four main parts it calls Kurdistan, Turkey, Kurdistan, Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Syria, in addition to the parties to a small the southern border of Armenia. He explained that "the Kurds have been killed, displacement and genocide, but the governments of those countries do not give way to inform their people on pain," noting that "many Arab governments are still surprised when we talk about chemical attacks and Anfal campaigns, but some are not believes us. " The Anfal operations carried out by Iraqi military forces between 1987 and 1988 across eight stages, which left 182 people dead (according to Kurdish sources), was the use of chemical weapons at some stages, according to the testimony survivors, and experts examined the bodies of some victims , also caused those operations displace thousands of Kurdish villagers. The Almlad Bakhtiar, "The Kurdish people will not lose anything if it lands those governments," expressing his "indifference to the location of Syria for the Arab countries, because what I'd actually have more than three million people Kurdish digested rights suffer from tragic circumstances because the Syrian government does not recognize their language, culture, and before political rights. " He said, "The Kurds consider themselves an important part of the changes in the region now," Noting that the "need to interact with the nationalities that live with Kurds in those countries at all levels, especially that of their people will benefit from this interaction and friendship with the Kurdistan region of Iraq because of its economic and political. " He said Mullah Bakhtiar, that "waves of democracy, which reached to the Middle East is not directed against totalitarian regimes and the traditional parties, but they will also contribute to a deeper thought of the new generation's imagination and his philosophy and his creativity to establish his or her liberty, "Carter said," uprisings new in the Middle East will come only an alternative but the creativity transcends the old. " criticized the leader of the Patriotic Union of "naming the new changes spring Arab", stressing that "There are other nationalities participated in the uprising that began to change the course of history in the Middle East, which is the largest of the Arab countries." The "Arab spring" term is given to the popular uprisings witnessed by several Arab countries (Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria), and had so far led to the overthrow of three presidents were Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarak and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, amid expectations the fall of others, especially in Yemen and Syria. In the center involves important implications, said Mullah Bakhtiar, he was "not afraid of the possibility of winning some political trends that have emerged in the Kurdish region in the recent elections, "expressing his" joy because the changes are an ongoing process even if it led to the victory of those trends. " The Kurdistan Region has witnessed since 2009 last, the emergence of strong opposition movements, most notably the Movement for Change (Curran) , I managed to prove itself in the legislative elections of Kurdistan in 2010, particularly in Sulaymaniyah stronghold historic Talabani's party, and formed a parliamentary opposition real for the first time in the history of the region. promised Mullah Bakhtiar, that "the continuity of change is really for the people of free choice," asserting that "It is important that there will be no return to square one, where dictatorship and isolation." witnessed the opening ceremony, which was held in the hall of disappearance center of Sulaimaniya, a word to the representative of President Jalal Talabani, and the Center Clauaz, the Union of Writers of Iraq, also delivered a Kurdish poet known Scirocco pics, poems in Arabic. The festival will continue for four days.

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