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communication companies

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1communication companies Empty communication companies Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:00 pm



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communication companies

Tuesday 24th December 2019 75
Hussein Thagab

Communication is an important service aspect in economic life, as it is a hub that achieves high fluidity in accomplishing the various tasks required by the economic advancement processes, and the accompanying social benefits of external companies investing in this worthy sector. economically.

When we talk about the economic feasibility of telecom companies, we are facing a great benefit for those companies that have millions of companies in their folds, and the huge profits that result from this huge participation can serve the national economy if a national company is created.

The significance of talking about communication companies stems from the question about the reasons for the lack of a national company that enters a competitor for companies operating in the country, as this trend enhances the competition that results in quality services and prices that suit the income of families, away from any exploitation of the beneficiary public.

The National Company in all cases achieves major benefits for the federal budget, when it operates with advanced technology and quality service that earns the confidence of the public that follows the quality services and the appropriate Prices.

Today, we find national human resources working within teams of telecommunications companies operating in the local market, and this is evidence of the ability of Iraqi human resources to manage a national telecommunications company in the event of its establishment, and that international indicators put Iraqi youth at the forefront of the Arab people in terms of intelligence, and in order 26 Worldwide.

Iraq has become an urgent need for a national telecommunications company that covers all parts of the country and enters the field of service with the best products offered at the world level, and we did not find that this matter is complicated, but the need for this trend is inevitable, as the results will come positive on the reality of services Telecommunications.

In light of the trend towards the national product revived by the voice of the people, success has become an ally of any tendency to create a national public or mixed telecommunications company under any name, such as "home", providing many job opportunities and exemplary services and maintaining the capital cycle within a framework Sweetened.

If the experience is new in Iraq, then international experiences in this field can be used and transferred to Iraq And embrace it.



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Privatization ... an effective tool for achieving economic reform

Tuesday 24 December 2019 158
Baghdad / Imad of the emirate

Privatization programs are one of the most important tools of economic reform,

and their application is accompanied by a set of positive and non-positive economic effects,

and the state can benefit from positive effects and develop them and overcome all the challenges that may appear during application,

and use them to stimulate national production in light of the loud voices calling for the revival of the local industry that The citizen is looking for her seriously.

Pros of privatization

Academician Dr. Abdul Karim Shingar said: "One of the advantages of privatization programs is the increase in domestic and foreign investments, in relation to local investment, private capital will invest in the purchase of public institutions,

as savings turn to investment, which increases economic efficiency by producing goods at reasonable prices and high quality from Through the introduction of new methods of administrations and the purchase of production lines,

and this is consistent with the voice of the Iraqi street in reviving the national product and the advancement of the Iraqi economy."

He continued, "On the level of foreign investment, the state's financial deficit leads to attracting this type of investment that helps in the actual application of privatization by creating new job opportunities and increasing profit, and privatization programs lead to the stability of the country and improve its financial position by excluding the expenses it incurred in strengthening the institutions of the sector Year and an attempt to cover its losses, which limits inflation, as well as the country’s ability to obtain a return as a result of selling its institutions.”

Organizational structures

Al-Issawi said that "privatization programs are working on an organizational reform process that covers both the organizational structures and regulations for the activities of productive institutions responsible for investment and financial and monetary policies and the enactment of legislation and laws for the growth and expansion of the private sector during a specific period,

in addition to the development of markets that are the cornerstone of The success of privatization by providing an opportunity for foreign and local investors to buy and sell shares, and privatization programs reduce the cost of performance by reducing excess labor and work efficiency improves when decision makers feel the importance of work because they gave me the opportunity NOAA owners and shareholders process productivity, not to mention the technology that was non-existent."

Cons of privatization

He explained that "some confused international experiences must be used as a precaution, given the privatization that accompanied corruption in several countries, as narrow individual interests seized valuable assets and resources that were public property of the state and then were bought cheaply, and these became billionaires,

for example in Russia The stolen assets amounted to $1500 billion, the costs of privatization that many elements of society are unwilling to pay because they benefit from existing social systems and are afraid to make changes to them as a result of the implementation.

He pointed out, "The existence of new rules proposed by privatization, including increasing working hours and reducing the benefits that they were getting, and unemployment is one of the most important negative aspects of the application of privatization faced by the state due to its inability to create alternative job opportunities."

Funding process

Dr. Al-Issawi pointed out, "The importance of having financial institutions concerned with the financing process needed by the transformation stage, as it requires providing the support that institutions need to restructure, maintenance expenses and replace assets before the transformation process and other expenses, which is a problem for the state that does not have the resources and has a large public sector."

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