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«Cooperation Office of the U.S.» in Baghdad, carried out diplomatic missions security cover

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12.04.2011 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add comments - BAGHDAD - Hussein Ali Dawood - Dar Al-Hayat starts «Office of Security Cooperation» (OSC-I) between the U.S. and Iraq security blanket diplomatic missions, through ten offices located in other cities , an affiliate of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. , it is expected that the Parliament adopts the agreement with NATO to train Iraqi security forces, and supporting ground and air, without immunity for trainers. Al «life» of an American source, who requested anonymity yesterday that « Office of Security Cooperation will exercise his duties of security cooperation with the Iraqi side, which (tasks) related to training, support and intelligence sharing with nature is important on terrorism ». He pointed out that «Iraq has become an incubator large to al Qaeda, which enable the creation of basic rules which over the years». He said that «the Iraqi security forces will get a lot of information concerning activities of the organization inside and outside of Iraq». He pointed out that «hundreds of staff of the Ministry of Defence will work in the office, but they are linked to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Embassy». He explained that «the plan include that the headquarters office in the embassy in Baghdad, and has ten branches in other cities, four of them in the capital in Camp Taji, Basmajh and the airport». He said that «the branch office will be deployed in Arbil, a small number of staff, in Kirkuk, and mission training on air all kinds. In the south, will be two offices, one at the airport in Basra, and his assistance and support in the system of radar South, and the number of employees will not exceed ten, and the second in the port of Umm Qasr and a staff of dozens, and mission of training Navy ». The source declined to answer a question about the enjoyment of staff of the Office of immunity in sources suggested again that the dependence of the Ambassador mean granted its employees the immunity of diplomatic rather than military invulnerability, which was enjoyed by the soldiers. It is noteworthy that U.S. law gives ambassadors abroad, the authority of a limited number of elements of the army following the dictates of Ambassador directly and granted diplomatic immunity. On the other hand, seeking security and defense committee in parliament to approve the security agreement between Iraq and NATO, by the end of this month and includes support and training land and airspace to Iraqi forces. A member of the Commission on Security and Defence Hamid al-Mutlaq's «life» that «the agreement that has been read a first reading before the days not include any immunity to any member of the Atlantic and their mission training only ». He pointed out that «there are remarks made ​​by the parliamentary blocs to agree, while moving some of them to expedite the approval of the agreement before the end of the month, coinciding with a total U.S. pullout from the country». and warned the Sadrists from the continued influence U.S. security in the country after the withdrawal «indirect means», The leader of the current Moqtada al-Sadr's cooperation with civil society organizations supported by the United States. The MP said the mass of «free» of the current governor Zamili «life»: «there are fears of continued U.S. influence security and political means other than directly after the withdrawal end of the year ». He added that «the United States will seek, through its embassy in Baghdad to play the role of security, political, and will continue to power all of its political, social, This Should be proven we will take hard-line positions of governmental or parliamentary, which facilitated the breakthrough» .

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