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The future of Iraq between the administration of the state and the project of building it (towards the transition from the stage of power and its administration to the stage of the state and its construction)

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The future of Iraq between the administration of the state and the project of building it (towards the transition from the stage of power and its administration to the stage of the state and its construction)

Saturday, 4 June 2022 1:39 PM
Muhammad Jaafar al-Sadr

فَإِذا أَدَّتِ الرَّعِيَّةُ إِلَى الْوَالِي حَقَّهُ، وَأَدَّى الْوَالِي إِلَيْهَا حَقَّهَا، عَزَّ الْحَقُّ بَيْنَهُمْ، وَقَامَتْ مَنَاهِجُ الدِّينِ، وَاعْتَدَلَتْ مَعَالِمُ الْعَدْلِ، وَجَرَتْ عَلَى أَذْلاَلِهَا السُّنَنُ فَصَلَحَ بِذلِكَ الزَّمَانُ، وَطُمِعَ فِي بَقَاءِ الدَّوْلَةِ، وَيَئِسَتْ مَطَامِعُ الْأَعْدَاءِ.
Imam Ali bin Abi Talib

After every election, we are faced with two entitlements: The

first is the completion of the state-building project that has not yet been completed, in its two dimensions: the legal and the political, as the articles of the constitution have not been implemented, and there is no agreement on which state to build, and how? The

second is the election of the three presidencies on the one hand, and the
preparation of the government program on the other hand, that is: the state administration.

And every time the most important entitlement is neglected, and we are preoccupied with the second entitlement: interest and dialogue to reach consensus on a government that is no more than four years old, and we leave the work on consensus on the always-delayed state-building project.

Is the opportunity, through the national majority and the Alliance to Save a Homeland, to begin?

The first and greatest entitlement is; It is the completion of the state-building project, “two dimensions” as it will come, and

it has an existential condition: it is the participation of all the sons of the nation in it, with all its spectrums, civil forces and various actors, including the parties, that is: civil society.

The first dimension: legal

It is the drafting of the country's constitution document, which defines the nature of the state, the philosophy of governance, the type of system, the rights and duties between the ruler and the governed, and the various governing authorities.

Then the stage of implementing the constitution begins after its approval, through the same forces collectively, which should continue the process of construction, development and amendment, but change, if necessary, taking into account the higher interests of the country, and adapting to the changes.

The second dimension: my community

These forces have the right to actively participate in shaping the fateful and highly important policies for the country, through dialogue and communication, and through various official and popular institutions, so that everyone feels their role and even their duty to build their country, determine its options, and chart its future.

As for the second entitlement; It is a program for managing the state through its various institutions: the legislative and judicial, up to the executive authority, which is entrusted with managing the government, according to a specific time schedule. within this selection.

Here the political movement appears, represented by the political parties and forces, which are involved in political work with programs and visions, and which are present in constitutional institutions such as Parliament, and which express a segment of the people.

It is necessary to work with these forces within the constitutional rules, and political action such as the majority, the opposition, alliances and the like.

Today, as we call for the achievement of these two entitlements,

we cannot be satisfied with the program of the prospective government only, through understandings or alliances between political forces;

Rather, we must also return in earnest to the origin of the state-building project, the constitution of which we wrote with the blessing of our wise reference, and the acceptance of it by the majority of the people through an elected assembly.

We should also have a serious dialogue among our people about what we want for our Iraq?

Unfortunately, however, we still stumbled in its full and correct application, which made it difficult to fill its gaps or change some of its ambiguous articles, even though it is the document that includes all the concepts that must be followed in building the country.

Will we have the courage to implement the constitution so that we can say that we have taken the first step in the right direction? And to stop wasting time, skipping entitlements, clinging to narrow factional demands, and trying to evade the entitlement to be fully committed to it?

Was the constitution written with the sacrifices of our people, and the calls of our reference to be ink on paper?

I say this because this document outlines for us the features of the state: politically, socially, economically, security, rights and duties, organization of powers, and so on.

Unfortunately, we are still busy with its procedural and formal articles rather than the content and content, because we have not yet moved “from the stage of power and its management to the stage of the state and its construction.”

It is necessary to pause to carry the people's honesty, implement the constitution with all its articles, and move forward in building the state.

We seriously and continuously need a societal dialogue between all societal forces, parties, media, intellectuals, social and religious fronts, non-governmental organizations, various labor, student and professional unions, family and women associations, seminaries, and other religious institutions, to work on crystallizing common visions. And agreed upon for what the country needs, while preserving the differences, so as not to impede the process of building the state.

I know the extent of the differences, and the divergence of views, but all of this can be addressed if the intentions are sincere, and the orientations sincere.

We should be very careful not to distance the people from building their country. For the renaissance of a nation we need:

The participation of all the people in building this country;
to a sense of responsibility and to bear the fidelity;
and sacrifices, patience, work and effort;

Just as we were able to offer our blood to establish this experience, we are more deserving of our sweat, time and effort to build it.

Therefore, without this active participation, nothing will be achieved.

In return, we need clarity, integrity and dedication from those in charge of government and decision-makers.

We must address the second entitlement: the program of state administration.

The management of the state is not entrusted to the executive authority alone.

The two authorities: the legislative and the judiciary have an active and important role in it.

Any government program will need Parliament to legislate the required laws referred to in the Constitution, or that the state needs in the course of its work.

Any violation of the law or the anti-corruption program will need an impartial and efficient judiciary to carry out the burdens of doing so.

Parliament must stand; When drafting any government program, along with government, to provide legislative support and cover, to get the job done.

The judiciary must be strongly present when its procedures are not implemented and violators are held accountable.

Dear Sisters and Brothers

If we want to build the state, based on the constitution, we must engage in societal dialogue and agree on the following:

:black_small_square: That our decision be an independent Iraqi, not dependent.
We must decide: Are we a sovereign or dependent state?
And that Iraq is the supreme interest, and to move away from the policy of axes.

:black_small_square: Iraq is a federal state, in which the constitution regulates the relationship between the center and the region.
It is necessary societal consensus through dialogue and mutual trust on the problems and obstacles that obstruct the implementation of the constitution, and to get this file out of narrow political bargains.

:black_small_square: The file of the decentralized administrative system for the governorates.

:black_small_square: To give up any reference outside the country, for our reference is the state, we protect it, and it protects us, with its people, its constitution and its institutions. To be our national reference.

:black_small_square: That the law be applied to everyone without exception.

:black_small_square: Restricting arms to the state’s “legitimate violence” hands, and that the arms are for the service of the country, and the security forces, with all their names, are subject to the authority of the state, and are subject to the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, and define their powers, restructure and develop them.

:black_small_square: Fighting corruption and stopping it through specialized mechanisms. To choose between good governance or corrupt institutions and bureaucracy.

:black_small_square: Social justice, and reducing the differences between members of the same people by all available means.

:black_small_square: And to decide: What is the shape of the country's economic system? And to
develop an integrated economic plan to build an effective private sector and a partner for the public sector, and to
reform the state’s administrative, financial and monetary system.

:black_small_square: The natural resources belong to the people through their successive generations, and we must make good use and management of them; In order to achieve growth and prosperity for us and for subsequent generations.
To other things that happen in the context of state building. All of this requires a societal consensus, not a political one.

In conclusion, and in light of the foregoing, we can answer the question we posed in the beginning:

It is very necessary for the program to be clear, specific and practical, and for a specific authority to implement it, bear its responsibility, and be subject to evaluation and review.

This does not happen unless the entity is specific, taking upon itself this program, in order to be able to implement it and assume its responsibilities.

Therefore, putting forward a national majority is the most appropriate mechanism for the success of the government program, and the best way to run the state.

I note that this solution is in the field of the second entitlement, that is: the administration of the state,

because it obtains the parliamentary majority, and is alone in forming the government, which achieves the privilege of making decisions and assuming its responsibilities, and not in the field of the first entitlement, that is: building the state;

Building the state requires the participation of everyone, the government and the people.

As mentioned above, the problem of building the state and the country is dialogue and consensus.

While the problem of managing the country is the decision.

Hammurabi issued his laws by saying: "When Marduk commanded me to prepare justice for the people of the land, so that they would win a good judgment, I established truth and justice throughout the land, and I made the people happy."

Mesopotamia, the land of blackness, was the cradle of civilization and the home of messages, and the country of laws and legislation, and it will not deviate - by the permission of God Almighty - from its great legacy;

With the zeal and efforts of the people of this country, their devotion and their love for this pure land in which only truth, justice and law are true, so that we may be the best successor to the best predecessor.

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