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British report: Iraq does not benefit from oil revenues because of its crises.. And a senior official: There is no longer a country

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British report: Iraq does not benefit from oil revenues because of its crises.. And a senior official: There is no longer a country

Reports & Analytics    Iraq    breaking    corruption    oil imports
2022-07-29 08:03
Shafaq News/
The "Financial Times" newspaper considered that the demonstrations in the Green Zone in Baghdad reflect the worsening political turmoil in Iraq in light of the failure of the political forces to form a new government, about 10 months after the elections, to run the country,

which means that the second largest country As an oil producer within OPEC, it is not able to benefit from the rise in global oil prices.

The "Financial Times" report, which was translated by Shafak News Agency;

He described the current political stalemate in Iraq as the longest since the first US-sponsored elections were held in 2005.  The report pointed out that

this political crisis prevents Iraq, which is the second largest oil producer in OPEC, from enjoying the gains of high oil prices, which also raises concerns about the prospects of instability in the future, and causes tension among foreign investors as well.

The report quoted a high-ranking Iraqi official as saying, "We are only moving from crisis to crisis, without a clear end to the stalemate."

After the report indicated that Sadr's supporters stormed the Green Zone and the parliament building, as a warning to his political opponents closest to Iran, he pointed out that

Sadr may launch more demonstrations unless his demands are met, and that

even if his opponents succeed in their efforts to form a new government, Sadr will remain a force within the political system.  
Although the report talked about

the years that al-Sadr spent building his political power to become a "king-maker", ambiguity still surrounds the end of his current game after the resignation of his deputies from Parliament.

The report quoted a government official, a veteran of the Iraqi political scene, as saying,

"We don't really know if he has a strategy. Is he honestly withdrawing from the operation, or is he waiting for the Iranian-backed force to make a mistake, so that he can launch his crowds against them?".

In light of this situation, the report mentioned that although state coffers were enhanced with funds through unexpected profits as a result of high oil prices, the 2022 budget is approved, which means that it is not possible to spend most of this financial surplus.

Rather, solutions have been developed. emergency to deal with the shortage of essential commodities such as gasoline and grain.  He noted that

some analysts say that Sadr's popular support base has declined due to his association with rampant state corruption, but he added that others consider

his loyalists to be spread across most state institutions, including the Cabinet, the state-owned oil company, powerful ministries and local authorities.

He also quoted businessmen and analysts as saying that

the primary task of "al-Sadr's agents" is to ensure the financial flows of his movement by evading ministries' contracts, which a government official described as a "creative redirection of resources", while sources say that

al-Sadr's movement needs tens of millions. dollars a month to maintain his strength.  However, the report considered that the

accusations against the Sadrists are also symptoms of a system full of graft and nepotism, and that

all parties are responsible for looting the state to enrich itself and its networks.

After referring to the mechanism of employing thousands of graduates annually in state sectors, he explained that high oil prices have provided some relief to the state that struggled to pay public sector salaries two years ago,

but many are now pessimistic about the long-term prospects.

The report quoted a senior government official and a political veteran as saying that

"there is no longer a state, this country runs only on greed and corruption, so that no one thinks about the future."

Translation: Shafak News Agency

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