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The culture of consumption in Iraq (the phenomenon of malls as an example)

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The culture of consumption in Iraq (the phenomenon of malls as an example)

SATURDAY, 08-2022,PM 7:45 KARAR AL ASADI 222
Written by: Razak Aday

In the sixties, the book of the German philosopher of origin - Herbert Marcuse - appeared from the Frankfurt School, (The One-Dimensional Man), which later became one of the inspiring sources for the revolution of the student and youth uprising -68 - for all of Europe and France in particular.

The book talks centrally about what he calls the consumer society in Industrial systems,

one of its manifestations is the destruction of the natural reason preached by the Enlightenment, at the beginning of the first eras of modernity, but with the progress and brutality of capitalist societies, this mind has shifted from its first compass and has become (a tool) with motives and a consumerist structure, which the capitalist society reached, and

this deviation from enlightenment in the field of Reason is from the nature and core of the capitalist system, in which the pace of production increases in order to achieve a continuous increase in consumption, and vice versa, relentlessly.

There is an important chapter in this book in which he talks about the culture in consumer societies,

describing it also takes a consumer nature necessarily in line with the increasing pace and speed of life. Capitalist societies have gone through, and the current model for this phenomenon is Iraq, here it will be very problematic, meaning that some of the culture will be an echo of an external rhythm.

About a dilemma that he worries about after he has transcended modernity, which is at the heart of his life with its development, and the latter in its transparent and solid forms, and the same applies to the consumer society, as culture that is not mature to a high level of consumption will be in great embarrassment when the element of consumption is not saturated, or when the whole society is living A stage in which pre-state problems.

The term consumption refers to the interdependence of economic activities with cultural practice,

and this practice is precisely determined in the light of capital and the psychology of individuals.

The term consumption culture is used to ensure that the world of commodities plays a key role in understanding contemporary society.

The psychological analysis of consumption culture emphasizes two dimensions:

First: The dimension The cultural meaning of the economic process, which is meant to give symbolic meanings to material goods, and use them as media for social communication.

The second: the economics of cultural goods, which is an effective and influential philosophy in the field of lifestyles and lifestyle of groups and social strata in different societies and cultures.

It breathes according to the volatile market situation and looks towards urgent material profits, while the development of culture and the cultural development of the community needs continuity and communication,

starting from penetrating the depth of this society and returning to its beginnings to contact its foundations, and then reviving it and restoring what the winds of time are trying to disintegrate and erase.

The lagging countries are mostly ruled and led by people who do not know what the economy means, and do not understand its role in building a strong and developed state.

Since the emergence of traditional economic theory, the world has experimented with multiple models, which have led to different results.

The cultural level and awareness in society to accommodate forms of production, consumption and investment has played a decisive role.

In the rapid pace of transformations, and in the reception of modernity and modernization, it has been proven that cultural differences tend to favor the most capable investors who are familiar with a culture other than his.

Iraq is living in the fever of opening malls in an indication of the decline of its economy compared to its counterparts in the world, and

it is strange that the previous Iraqi governments and the Investment Authority consider this an indicator of economic development in the capital, while most of the heads invested in those malls come from loans provided by government banks,

in addition to the fact that companies The owners of these projects are economic fronts for powerful forces, personalities and groups.

Economists consider these malls without any productive and economic feasibility for the local macro economy.

Rather, they are money laundering for the corrupt, not to mention that they perpetuate a distorted consumer culture,

given that Iraq’s economy is not based on a solid economic base, so there is no production except for oil, which finances the government and covers its expenses and the army Its great staff.

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