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opens the file of the construction and chemical industries and the volume of Iraqi exports abroad

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opens the file of the construction and chemical industries and the volume of Iraqi exports abroad

Investigations and reports    11-03-2023, 11:55
Baghdad - Conscious - Nassar Al-Hajj

Today, Saturday,
the Ministry of Industry revealed details of its construction and chemical industries and the volume of Iraqi exports abroad, while it submitted a proposal to restart the suspended factories.


The ministry's spokesman, Duha al-Jubouri, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that

"there are several sectors in the Iraqi industry that can achieve profits that support the national economy, including the construction industries sector represented in the production of cement by the Iraqi General Company for Cement, which is considered a leading company in the industry."

Cement in Iraq and was established in 1936 under the name (Iraqi Cement Shareholding Company), and

actual production began in 1949 in the Baghdad Cement Factory (with one wet-method kiln), and Iraq began exporting quantities of it abroad for the first time in (1950-1951), and the Baghdad plant was expanded by adding Three new production lines in 1955, with a design capacity of (400) thousand tons / year.

Phosphates and sulfur

She added,

"The other sector that can achieve profits for the state budget is the petrochemical industries and fertilizers sector, as

the General Phosphate Company has contributed significantly to supporting the national economy in the field of extracting phosphate raw materials and manufacturing fertilizers of all kinds and intermediate and by-products, to reach the highest level of growth in work." production, adopting the principle of economic calculation, efficient investment of public funds and their effectiveness in achieving the goals of the state and raising levels of performance in order to achieve the goals of development plans.  

The General Company for Al-Mishraq Sulfur also has a major role in contributing to the support of the national economy and the development of industrial production in the field of extracting sulfur in its fields in Iraq, purifying it, transporting it, exporting it and manufacturing it for industrial and agricultural purposes, as well as manufacturing intermediate materials necessary for its operations and specific products that are manufactured depending on the materials produced, manufactured and available locally. In accordance with the approved specifications and in a manner that achieves the objectives of the development plan.  She stressed that

"the main activity of the company is the production and purification of sulfur, where sulfur is the main product, while the other products are secondary products used in domestic industries and to support the local need.

The secondary products include alum, concentrated sulfuric acid and agricultural sulfur," pointing out that

"the beneficiaries of the products The General Company for Al-Mishraq Sulfur and the needs of each side of the products:

Neighboring and foreign countries / refined sulfur (export)

Industry sector in Iraq / refined sulfur (local)

- Drinking water filtration plants in Iraq / Alum material

- Oil sector / alum, sulfuric acid

- Domestic market / sulfuric acid, agricultural sulfur

Fertilizer industry

Al-Jubouri stated that

"the State Company for the Southern Fertilizer Industry is the only source for supplying urea for the agricultural sector in Iraq, after the factories of the State Company for the Northern Fertilizer Industry in Baiji went out of work for years, and they constitute 60 percent of the local need," pointing out that

"urea fertilizer The main product and basis of the company is nitrogen fertilizer, which has become widely used in the world in fertilizing soil for agricultural purposes and in the manufacture of compound and liquid fertilizers.  And she indicated that

it is "the most concentrated fertilizer in terms of the percentage of nitrogen amounting to 46 percent, which is within the Iraqi standard specification (1049), where the company produces ammonia liquid as an intermediate product through which urea fertilizer is produced, and carbon dioxide gas is also produced as a by-product of the ammonia manufacturing processes." Which is used with ammonia for the production of urea,” explaining that

“the company annually associates with the General Company for Agricultural Equipment in the Ministry of Agriculture for a renewable contract to market its entire urea product to the agricultural sector, and

the Ministry of Agriculture is also an authority concerned with protecting the product in addition to the producing authority because the product belongs to the Ministry Agriculture and according to the product protection law.


Al-Jubouri indicated that

"the General Company for Petrochemical Industries consists of the following factories:

- The petrochemical plant, located in Basra Governorate / Khor Al-Zubair, produces:




- Chlorine and caustic soda

Agricultural covers

Plastic bags

Bottled healthy water

Colored granules

-  Liquefied Trojan

shutdown factories

Al-Jubouri explained that

"most of the factories of the above companies are out of work," noting that

"these factories need to rehabilitate some of them or establish new lines because of their aging and exposure to destruction as a result of terrorist operations."  She stated that

"there is a partnership with the private sector represented in contracts with solid companies that these companies concluded with them."


She stated that

"the process of converting factories to privatization is a positive step in the event that the necessary factors and conditions are available to activate them and restore their spirit, provided that the reduction in the number of workers in them is not prejudiced," noting that

"the reasons for this are the lack of funds to return these suspended factories to work according to the design capacities." And adding new production lines to meet the country's needs.

And she stressed the

need to "declare those factories to investment through participation in rehabilitation and transfer them to privatization."

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