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Corporate Governance
Its basic tasks include the following
Participate in preparing policies and procedures for the bank’s operations that govern various aspects of work,
Ensuring the smooth progress of work in the bank’s various operations.
Administrative and executive supervision of the work of its departments, and ensuring that support is provided to the various administrative units to contribute to raising the level of service provision to customers.
Contributing to achieving the bank’s general strategy.
information technology
Its basic tasks include the following
Defining the vision for developing and implementing the bank’s technology and communications initiatives that aim to raise the efficiency of performance and operation and improve the level and quality of services provided while reducing the cost.
Supervising the management’s work, participating in policy-making and developing strategies for information technology, providing the necessary technical support to develop the bank’s institutional performance, and applying the best technical and artistic solutions in all areas and work activities in cooperation with those concerned internally and externally. To maximize operational efficiency, Use the latest applications and systems in the field Security and information protection policies in accordance with the bank’s strategy.
commercial services
Its basic tasks include the following
Ensuring the department’s commitment and contribution to the bank’s strategic plans and objectives by achieving the specified financial and non-financial objectives.
Ensure that the department operates with high efficiency and in accordance with the policies and procedures in force at the bank.
Administrative and executive supervision of subordinate functions,
Auditing all documents and transaction data entries related to outgoing and incoming commercial services in all their cases, confirming them and approving them on the automated system within the powers granted,
Follow up on all its procedures and the progress of implementing transactions with the branches and central administrative departments concerned,
Ensure the efficiency of work completion, in accordance with approved policies and procedures and with the required accuracy and speed.
Islamic credit
Its basic tasks include the following
Draw realistic and future strategies for all concerned economic sectors and follow up on their implementation with the aim of developing plans in which the percentage of future contributions to these sectors is determined and evaluating the bank’s current portfolio in them by studying the size of the shares. Female workers implementing within the sector
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Corporate Governance
Evaluating the performance of the approved programs in accordance with the bank’s credit policies and determining the degree of deviations in order to work to correct them in accordance with the established strategy, by implementing all administrative supervisory and evaluative analytical tasks on the proposed programs.
Strengthening the bank’s credit policy, in addition to meeting the requirements and controls determined by the Risk Management Department in the processes of monitoring and controlling credit risks.
Preserving the bank’s rights,
Minimize risks and achieve maximum profits.
Its basic tasks include the following
Follow-up, preparation, direction, planning and organization of all matters related to legal affairs in the bank.
Preparing legal memorandums
Formulating agreements and contracts and following up on their implementation
Implementing judgments issued in favor of the bank
General supervision of casework, and initiating lawsuits and appeals.
Awareness and public protection
Its basic tasks include the following
It links the bank with its community and conveys a complete picture of the activities and services provided by the bank to meet the desires and needs of customers and society, create a positive mental image of the bank, and enhance customer confidence.
Achieving transparency and fair dealing with the customer,
Establishing core and ethical standards and values in dealings,
Ensuring that the best service is provided to customers,
Contributing to achieving the goals of financial inclusion.
Establishing and implementing supervisory controls and determinants of customer complaints and how to address them.
Protecting customers’ rights through financial education and awareness.
Disseminating achievements through available media and communication,
Maintaining the bank’s identity and reputation.
Treasury and investment
Its basic tasks include the following
Administrative and executive supervision of the department’s work and the bank’s liquidity management and investment.
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Corporate Governance
Strengthening the relationship with other banks and foreign correspondent banks with the aim of increasing the bank’s profitability and paying its obligations on time,
Develop investment plans in financial markets and determine treasury sales plans (certificates of deposit)
Investment portfolio management.
Identifying, evaluating and classifying the risks facing the bank in a way that is consistent with the bank’s strategic objectives, in addition to monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal control system and its ability to confront the risks that prevent the achievement of the objectives, and working To update the risk register at the bank level on a periodic basis.
Control risks and reduce them to acceptable levels.
Drawing up realistic and future strategies for all relevant economic sectors and following up on their implementation with the aim of developing plans that determine the percentage of future bank contributions to these sectors.
Maintaining the bank’s reputation and customer confidence.
Its basic tasks include the following
Supervising the verification of the efficiency and effectiveness of procedures related to risk management.
Supervising the identification of risks facing the bank that prevent it from achieving its desired goals.
Supervising the identification of risks facing the bank and ensuring the adequacy of internal control procedures that prevent their occurrence.
Supervising and monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal control system and its capacity. To confront the risks that prevent the achievement of the bank’s objectives
Supervising the classification of risks according to their importance and probability of occurrence.
Coordination with the Internal Audit Department, ensuring that the annual audit plan includes departments with high risks.
Supervising the amendment and updating of the risk register based on the changes resulting during the audit year.
Participating in conferences and attending seminars and workshops within his specialty.
Review periodic reports, follow up on the suitability of applying standard ratios, and submit the necessary recommendations to the Risk Committee.
Ensure that policies for managing operational risks are adopted and followed or reduced, for example through insurance or emergency planning.
Participating in determining the percentage of concentrations of economic sectors relevant to the bank’s activities, with the aim of developing plans that determine the percentage of future bank contributions to these sectors and evaluating the bank’s current portfolio in them through studying the volume of transactions carried out Within the sector, evaluate the performance of approved programs in accordance with the bank’s credit policies, and determine the degree of deviations to work on. Correcting them according to the established strategy, by implementing all administrative and evaluative supervisory tasks on the proposed programs.
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Corporate Governance
Follow up on violations and control credit concentrations and ensure that they are within the instructions and limits set by the credit policy.
Follow up on analyzes of the financial position items (items inside and outside the budget) and the income statement on a monthly basis in terms of performance and risk indicators, compare the indicators with competitors, and review the risks of existing and proposed asset products or any amendments in this regard in terms of Its impact on the soundness and growth of the income statement, liquidity, and economic value of the bank.
Determine risk appetite/risk tolerance in light of developments in the financial position
. (RISK APPETITE) and growth plans
Monitoring the extent of compliance with acceptable risk ceilings
Preparing stress tests (STRESS TESTING) in accordance with the requirements of the Basel International Committee and the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq, reviewing these tests and submitting recommendations to the Risk Committee to take the necessary measures.
Review credit policies and all risk policies on an annual basis.
Reviewing the risks of existing and proposed asset products or any amendments in this regard in terms of their impact on the integrity and growth of the income statement, liquidity and economic value.
Review and review analyzes of opponents’ risks in terms of pricing and competitive position towards competitors for the same products, present recommendations and submit them to the Risk Committee.
Follow up on linking risks to regulatory procedures (building a risk matrix) where risks are linked to regulatory procedures to identify risks according to the degree of control over them (reducing the severity of risks) Reviewing the main indicators of risks (Indicators Risk Key) and determining the Matters that the Board of Directors should be informed of periodically (half Annually.)
Reviewing the maximum limits for transactions with other banks and the maximum limits for transactions in countries when necessary and at least once a year in coordination and participation with the relevant departments.
Assessing new fundamental risks affecting the bank.
Ensure and follow up on the development of policies that include ceilings and powers that must be used, and their implementation after their approval by the Board of Directors.
Providing the Risk Committee with periodic reports on the risks that the bank faces or may be exposed to, and any violations of laws and regulations, and monitoring the extent of executive management’s commitment to approved risk management policies.
Spreading awareness about the concept of risk management to all bank departments and units.
Implementing policies and procedures approved by the Board of Directors.
Measuring the performance of direct subordinates and supervising the measurement and evaluation of the performance of the department’s employees.
Coordination with the General Administration of Human Resources to attract competencies to work within the administration and to train employees.
Providing guidance, guidance and support to employees to ensure smooth work and achieve outstanding levels of performance.
Holding periodic meetings whenever necessary with the department’s officials and employees and following up on the implementation of recommendations
Work to instill the bank’s values and ethics in the department’s employees and enhance belonging.
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Corporate Governance
Performing the tasks assigned to him in his field of work.
The circuit is divided into the following:
Credit and Investment Risk Department
Market Risk and Liquidity Risk Department
Operational Risk Department
Non-compliance risks section
The Board’s relationship with risk management
Ensure that risk management monitors the bank’s executive departments with the specified levels of acceptable risks
The Council must verify that violations of acceptable risk levels are addressed, including holding the relevant executive management accountable regarding these violations.
The Board must ensure that the risk management periodically conducts “stress tests” to measure the bank’s ability to withstand shocks and face high risks, and that the Board must have a major role in approving the hypotheses and scenarios used, discussing the results of the tests, and approving the measures that must be taken based on these results.
The Board must adopt the methodology for internal assessment of the adequacy of the bank’s capital, in accordance with the decisions of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and any other international standards, so that this methodology is comprehensive, effective, and capable of identifying all risks that the bank may face, and takes into account the bank’s plan. The strategy and capital plan, reviewing this methodology periodically, verifying its application, and ensuring that the bank maintains sufficient capital to confront all the risks to which it may be exposed.
The Board, before approving any expansion of the bank’s activities, must take into account the risks arising from this and the capabilities and qualifications of risk management employees.
The Board must ensure the independence of the bank’s risk management, by submitting its reports to the Risk Management Committee, and granting this department the necessary powers to enable it to obtain information from other bank departments and cooperate with other committees to carry out its tasks.
The policies approved by the Board of Directors must include the acceptable limits of risks to which the bank may be exposed, with the need for those limits to be consistent with the extent of the bank’s ability to accept risks and the suitability of this with the size of capital.
Measuring the continued suitability of the work steps for measuring, monitoring and monitoring risks and making any adjustments to them if necessary in accordance with market developments and the environment in which the bank operates.
Using appropriate and effective information and communication systems, especially with regard to the process of monitoring and monitoring risks and ensuring the efficiency of the information management system, so that it allows providing the bank’s senior management, the risk committee, and the board with periodic reports (at least monthly) that reflect the extent of the bank’s commitment to the specified risk limits and explain violations of these limits, their causes, and the corrective plan. Necessary.
Risk management tasks consist, as a minimum, of the following:
• Study and analyze all types of risks facing the bank
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Corporate Governance
• Preparing the bank’s risk management framework and presenting it to the Board.
• Implementing a risk management strategy in addition to developing work policies and procedures to manage all types of risks.
• Develop methodologies for identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling each type of risk.
• Submitting reports to the Board, through the Risk Management Committee, and a copy to the executive management, including information on the actual risk system for all the bank’s activities, compared to the “acceptable risk document” and following up on the treatment of negative deviations. (Risk Appetite)
• Verifying the integration of risk measurement mechanisms with the management information systems used
• Providing recommendations to the Risk Management Committee about the bank’s exposure to risks, and recording exceptional cases from the risk management policy.
• Providing the necessary information about the bank’s risks, to be used for disclosure purposes.
Reporting money laundering and terrorist financing
Supervising the program to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
Prevent and limit the use of the bank as a means to pass on money laundering activities criminalized by local and international legislation.
Creating mechanisms and frameworks that ensure confronting financial crimes, especially with regard to combating money laundering and terrorist financing operations.
Maintaining values and best professional practices in banking.
Consolidating the relationship with regulatory authorities.
Its basic tasks include the following
Contributing to the preparation of the department’s policies and procedures and the necessary updates.
Contributing to the preparation of the department’s work plan and following up on its implementation after its approval.
Investigate cases of suspected money laundering and terrorist financing operations and inform the competent authorities.
Save suspicions after being convinced that they are incorrect and submit suspicious reports after verifying their conformity to the Anti-Money Laundering and Financing Office.
Submitting periodic reports to the bank’s management, the risk committee, and the regulatory authorities.
Establishing a basic database that includes all instructions issued by regulatory authorities related to work.
Develop, implement and maintain a comprehensive training plan for suspicion operations on an annual basis so that it covers all employees.
Cooperating with internal departments in updating and developing procedures and standards for controlling suspicious cases.
Follow up on the decisions/instructions issued by the relevant internal and international government agencies and ensure that the relevant branches and departments adhere to the regulations related to combating money laundering.
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Corporate Governance
Monitoring outgoing and incoming external transfers and taking the necessary measures regarding them in coordination with the relevant departments and branches.
He worked on creating a system that serves anti-money laundering procedures and helps in classifying customers according to risks.
Ensure the effectiveness of the implemented program.
Coordination with the Financial Institutions Department regarding opening accounts for external banks with the bank and vice versa to complete verification procedures for these banks in accordance with the principle of (know your customer). Prepare the AML questionnaire (AML-CTF) in cooperation with the relevant departments. To respond to inquiries
Transaction/ Know Your Customer/ Customer Due Diligence Related correspondence banks
/ Internal Policies (Monitoring). To coordinate with the “SWIFT” department regarding outgoing and incoming transfers that are held in the OFAC system, verify them, and prepare a report on any suspicious transactions.
Ensure that international departments follow proper procedures when conducting transactions with banks, financial institutions and companies in other countries, in accordance with local and external controls for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.
Coordination with the Remittances Department in responding to external banks’ inquiries about correspondence and data related to remittances before preparing responses regarding them.
Coordination with internal audit to take the necessary measures to correct deficiencies in applying the controls and instructions of the internal regulations to combat money laundering in the bank’s branches.
Develop, update and implement systems, procedures and controls for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.
Receive employee reports directly about any suspicious operations or activities, analyze them, and estimate the need to send them to the Anti-Money Laundering Office.
Maintain detailed records of suspicious cases.
Maintain updated information of entities and individuals on banned lists.
Keeping abreast of developments in money laundering and terrorist financing systems, practices, and techniques, and updating the indicators for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.
Keeping pace with developments and international best practices and applying them wherever possible.
Spreading awareness about the concept of suspicion, cases of money laundering and organized crime to all departments and units of the bank.
Implementing policies and procedures approved by the Board of Directors.
Measuring the performance of direct subordinates and supervising the measurement and evaluation of the performance of the department’s employees.
Providing guidance, guidance and support to employees to ensure smooth work and achieve outstanding levels of performance.
Holding periodic meetings, whenever necessary, with department officials and employees and following up on the implementation of recommendations.
Work to instill the bank’s values and ethics in the department’s employees and enhance belonging.
Performing the tasks assigned to him in his field of work.
The Council’s relationship with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Department
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Corporate Governance
The Board, through the Audit Committee and the bank’s supervisory departments, must ensure that the bank takes due diligence measures towards customers in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. (39) of 2015 and the instructions issued pursuant thereto.
The Council must ensure that the bank retains the following records, papers and documents for a period of five (5) years from the date of the end of the relationship with the customer or from the date of closing the account or executing a transaction for an occasional customer, whichever is longer, and ensures that they are made available to the competent authorities as quickly as possible, which includes as a minimum the following: :
• Copies of all records obtained through the due diligence process in verifying transactions, including documents verifying the identities of beneficial clients, accounting files, and business correspondence.
• All records of local and international transactions, whether actually executed or attempted, provided that these records are detailed to the extent that allows re-enacting the steps of each transaction separately.
• Records related to the risk assessment or any information required to conduct or update it.
Adopting programs to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, including:
• Conduct an assessment of the money laundering and terrorist financing risks to which it is exposed.
• Adopting policies, procedures and internal controls appropriate for implementing the obligations imposed in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing.
• Independent audit to test the effectiveness of policies and procedures and the extent of their application.
Compliance monitoring
Determine and monitor the bank’s implementation of all compliance rules.
Protecting the bank from the risks of non-compliance,
Establishing sound values and practices within the bank.
Consolidating the relationship with regulatory authorities.
Its basic tasks include the following
Supervising the development of the department’s plan.
Ensure that the bank and its internal policies comply with all laws, regulations, instructions, orders, codes of conduct, standards, and sound banking practices issued by local and international regulatory and supervisory authorities.
Ensure receipt of all laws, regulations and circulars issued by regulatory authorities and follow up on their implementation by all bank departments.
Review all policies and procedures of the bank’s departments and divisions and ensure that they include and comply with laws, instructions, and internal and external controls and approve them.
Ensure that all written policies and procedures approved by the bank are consistent with the applicable compliance rules.
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Corporate Governance
Contributes and assists the Board of Directors in implementing corporate governance.
Identify all compliance risks, deal with them, and monitor their development.
Establish policies and procedures for the department, and follow up on updating the policies and procedures periodically and according to work requirements.
Providing consultations and observations on what the work requires in order to protect the bank from the risks of non-compliance in the bank’s daily operations.
Participate in Board of Directors meetings and sign their minutes.
Conducting educational and awareness courses for employees aimed at proper compliance and mitigating the risk.
Study of correspondent banks that must open banking relationships in relation to compliance requirements.
Working to spread a culture of compliance by raising awareness of the importance of compliance.
Coordination with the legal department regarding reviewing contracts and forms to ensure their compatibility with the bank’s internal policies and regulations.
Ensure that new banking products comply with laws, regulations and publications.
Submitting periodic reports to the Board of Directors to the executive management specifically to monitor compliance.
Submitting monthly and periodic reports to relevant authorities.
Adherence to confidentiality requirements at work.
The compliance manager must review the following reports and express his opinion on them:
• Internal audit reports.
• External auditor reports.
• Central Bank of Iraq inspection reports.
Preparing the compliance guide and the risk of non-compliance guide.
Support the Board of Directors and carry out any work assigned to it in the field of competence.
The Board’s relationship with compliance management
The Board must adopt a clear policy to ensure the bank’s compliance with all relevant legislation and instructions, review this policy periodically and verify its implementation.
The Council must approve the tasks and responsibilities of the Compliance Department.
The Compliance Department submits its reports to the Audit Committee, with a copy sent to the authorized director.
The bank must form an independent compliance department, reinforced with trained human resources, and adequately rewarded, in line with the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq. issued in this regard
The Compliance Department prepares effective policies and procedures to ensure the bank’s compliance with all applicable legislation and instructions and any relevant instructions and evidence.
The bank must document the tasks, powers, and responsibilities of the compliance department and circulate them within the bank.
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Corporate Governance
Internal control and auditing
Internal audit ensures the provision of the necessary periodic evaluation of the quality of the bank’s accounts, its performance and the conduct of operations, while complying with international standards and submitting periodic reports to the Audit Committee on the effectiveness and suitability of the internal control processes and procedures approved and implemented by the bank’s management.
Internal audit’s relationship with the council
The Board must verify that the Internal Audit Department is subject to the direct supervision of the Audit Committee, and that it submits its reports directly to the Chairman of the Audit Committee to ensure its independence.
The authority to communicate directly with the Board of Directors or with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee, the external auditor, and the compliance monitor at the bank.
Providing monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports on business results to the Audit Committee.
Preparing a working guide for the policies and procedures of the Internal Audit Department, provided that the guide is approved by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors and is subject to review and updating by the Audit Committee every year or two years at least.
The structure of the internal control and control systems is reviewed by the Audit Committee and the Internal Audit Department at least once a year and whenever necessary.
The Council’s relationship with the Internal Audit Department
Ensuring and enhancing the independence of internal auditors, and ensuring that they are qualified to carry out their duties, including their right to access all records and information and contact any employee within the bank, so that they can perform the tasks assigned to them and prepare their reports without any external interference.
Taking the necessary measures to enhance the effectiveness of internal audit, through the following:
• Giving the necessary importance to the audit process and establishing this in the bank.
• Follow up on correcting audit observations.
Verifying the availability of sufficient financial resources and a sufficient number of qualified human resources to manage internal audit and training them, provided that the employees meet the following minimum requirements:
• A specialized university degree
• The head of the internal audit department must have a controller and auditor certificate.
Verify that internal audit employees are not assigned any executive tasks.
Approval of an internal audit charter that includes the tasks, powers and responsibilities of the audit department and its staff within the bank.
Verifying that the internal audit department is subject to the direct supervision of the committee.
Planning to prepare and implement policies and strategies for internal audit, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of internal control controls, in order to improve the effectiveness of risk management and governance processes.
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Corporate Governance
Verifying that the conduct of business and the procedures and administrative, financial and technical decisions issued are consistent with the effective instructions on the one hand and the programs and plans specified by senior management on the other hand, in addition to monitoring all relevant projects and issues. Related to the work of the department.
Putting the Audit Committee’s recommendations into effect.
Its tasks include the following:
Setting goals for the department and supervising their implementation in accordance with the general vision of the Board of Directors.
Preparing the internal audit plan in light of the results of the strategic analysis and risk assessment.
Supervising the development of the annual plan for internal control and audit work and its implementation in accordance with the annual work plan.
Supervising the preparation and unification of the department’s budget.
Supervising the development of the internal audit program, ensuring that steps are set to conduct audits in detail, and supervising audit teams to ensure the completion of audit programs in accordance with locally and internationally recognized auditing standards. In addition to adhering to specific plans and schedules.
Monitoring the implementation of the internal audit plan and making the necessary changes, while obtaining the approval of the audit committee to ensure the achievement of goals and taking corrective measures when needed.
Verifying the validity and integrity of the internal control system and determining its adequacy and effectiveness, while verifying that it is properly implemented.
Evaluating the risks facing the department, submitting proposals on how to deal with them, and preparing plans to confront potential risks in cooperation with the Risks Department.
Supervising and maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of the bank’s work in accordance with the internal audit charter and methodology.
Supervising the implementation of internal audit operations in accordance with the approved audit plan, submitting reports and recommendations to senior management and following up on their implementation with the competent authorities (Audit Committee)
Follow up on documentation of internal audit processes, compare them with best practices, and ensure that they meet objectives.
Supervising the implementation of recommendations and directives resulting from internal audit operations or issued by competent regulatory authorities.
Comprehensive audit and examination of all aspects of the facility’s activity (financial, administrative, and technical), studying periodic reports of sub-departments’ activity and comparing them with the drawn plans, verifying the levels of implementation of the specified goals, requesting the necessary clarifications of deviations, and giving an opinion regarding them.
Continuous consultation and cooperation with the bank’s external auditor with the aim of reaching a clear vision of the bank’s situation and informing it of any specific matters and risks that could affect its work.
Conduct inspection tours of all the bank’s facilities and operations and its branches and provide the necessary recommendations.
Supervising the preparation of the report that is submitted to senior management and the audit committee with all the observations that appeared during the audit process, provided that the report is accurately written so that it does not carry more than one meaning and that the recommendations are applicable. Yes.
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Corporate Governance
Supervising the preparation of periodic reports that are submitted to the authorized director, which explain the violations that may occur when they are detected and the weaknesses in the internal control procedures that are discovered through documentary review and which may cause losses. The bank’s finances if they occur.
Supervising the auditing and approval of monthly and quarterly budgets.
Supervising the work of the work team, including team leaders and internal audit employees, and contributing to raising their practical and operational efficiency through direct and indirect supervision and continuous guidance.
Do what is necessary to preserve the bank’s funds and various assets and ensure the existence of sufficient means to protect them from loss, misuse or embezzlement.
Continuous review of activities to ensure the effectiveness of accounting and administrative controls, accuracy of accounting operations, and adherence to the bank’s policies and procedures.
Ensure that audit reports are approved.
Ensure that all actions and behaviors are followed up, and then examined and reviewed by the relevant department.
Ensuring the soundness of the bank’s implementation of the standards and provisions issued, and examining the extent of its commitment to those provisions in all its activities.
Periodic evaluation of audit effectiveness.
Supervising and following up on the preparation of quarterly reports for the Central Bank of Iraq.
Evaluating the results of deviations from performance levels and established plans and policies.
He works on developing programs to enhance continuous learning and develop and motivate employees to ensure better delivery of tasks.
Supporting management and implementing any work assigned to it in the field of competence.