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Experts: We are getting close to “zeroing” gas burning

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Experts: We are getting close to “zeroing” gas burning
Economical 06/05/2024
Baghdad: Shukran Al-Fatlawi
Economic affairs specialists see the necessity of conducting multiple licensing rounds to exploit gas patches in the country in light of Iraq's approach to zeroing out the gas burning process, noting that the last round did not achieve all of its goals.
Baghdad recently witnessed a licensing round for a number of new exploratory patches and sites, some of which were not awarded in the round.
Oil expert Dr. Hamza Al-Jawahiri said in an interview with “Al-Sabah” that
the issue of investing in associated gas was long delayed due to many problems, pointing out that
the government is serious during the next two years in zeroing the rate of burning of associated gas,
indicating the existence of several projects for treatment, including exploiting gas in The project signed with Total Energies, which processes 600 mqm of gas, as well as the Nahr Omar project, which processes 300 mqmq, and other projects that the government is urging to invest in associated gas.
Al-Jawahiri continued that there is a period of time ranging from 3 to 5 years, in which it is possible to see its final results in investing in associated gas, hoping at the same time that these projects will be implemented, because, unfortunately, they have become like a dream, he said, as the process of burning associated gas and converting it into power generation stations Electrical or petrochemical plants, not yet exploited.
Al-Jawahiri stressed that petrochemical plants are not available in the country, except for one plant, which is not sufficient for its purpose, considering it a major problem that requires urgent solutions, noting that there are very many fields in western Iraq for free gas, which could make us a gas exporting country if invested properly.
He pointed out that the Ministry did not fully achieve its goals during the last licensing round in obtaining investors in the exploratory patch for invasive areas, because it requires more work, study, and seismic geophysical surveys in those areas in order to be presented to international companies, in addition to the necessity of providing security in the region.
For his part, the researcher in economic affairs, consulting engineer Imad Al-Muhammadawi, told Al-Sabah that the year 2030 will be the year of completely eliminating gas burning, according to the Paris Agreement that Iraq signed, which stipulates “finding coordination and reaching solutions and cooperation at all international levels to help in Reducing the percentage of carbon in the atmosphere and its negative effects, and confronting climate change and its significant effects as a result of global warming.”
He added that the country's efforts are currently directed towards stopping associated gas, which will stop in the year 2028 according to government sources, and trying to benefit from it in generating electrical energy, from which the country has been suffering from a crisis for a long time.
He expressed his optimism that the crisis is on its way to being resolved, and the country is currently taking... Correct steps in this direction.
For its part, the Ministry of Oil recently announced access to investment and exploitation of 62% of the gas produced in Iraq, and indicated that the year 2028 will witness the end of Associated gas combustion.
The Undersecretary for Gas Affairs in the Ministry, Izzat Saber, said in a press statement,
“A memorandum of understanding was signed between Siemens, Schlumniger, and the Ministry of Oil for accelerated investment in the associated gas that is being burned,” indicating that
after the memorandum, the stage of commercial, financial, and technical presentation for this company and identifying the fields will come. That burns gas.   
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