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The crisis between Iraq and the rule of law in the last chapters

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The crisis between Iraq and the rule of law in the last chapters

On: Sat 07/01/2012 9:52

 Baghdad / menopausal Hossam Acommok
seems that the current political crisis between the coalition and Iraqi National Alliance and reached the final stages after he concluded a meeting of their leadership continued until the late hours of the night to develop several solutions to outstanding problems and deport the other to the future meetings with the two sides agreed to continue them.

Statement of the Office of the President of the National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari said when he had been during the meeting, discuss the solutions that will heal the relationship between the parties
in addition to discussing the files with different views for the purpose of finding effective solutions that receive Bdilalha on the political process in the country.

The Alliance national and Iraqi forces according to the statement which was received (range) a copy of the need to strengthen national unity and cooperation to find placing the interests of the public.

The two sides stressed the move away from media escalation, which affects the course of discussions between the parties.
called the National Alliance to end the members of the Iraqi List, dropping out from the meetings of both houses of MPs, ministers, and to continue attending reinforcing in creating opportunities for the success of the political process and move forward.

On the other hand, the delegation of the Iraqi List headed by Salman Jumaili need to continue and sustain the meetings between the two sides to resolving the problems and get out to see the national interest of the country, and pointed out that the mass will seriously consider the its next meeting to the decision to end their boycott and join up with the government.

member of the delegation of Iraqi Ziad worldwide abolition said in a statement (range) yesterday, "continued our meeting with the National Alliance until the late hours of the night yesterday We went to seven axes."

"It's between these files, the issue of Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, as was agreed to leave it to eliminate without interfering with it of any political party was, was also agreed that the initiative of President of Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani as the only way to resolve the political crisis and the completion of items that are not implemented. "

said the worldwide abolition "that the National Alliance indicated a willingness to resolve the political crisis, communication, and held ongoing meetings, as well as the invitation of the Kurdistan Alliance to future meetings. "
and the transfer of Iraqi MP pledging to his list to stop arbitrary arrests without court orders launched by security forces in certain areas of the country. "

As for the file balance in the institutions of the state decided the blocks and by the worldwide abolition: Activating this committee, formed by the Vice Prime Minister and the addition of a number of members have to find a balance in all spheres of the state. " Did not discuss the meeting asked Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's dismissal of his deputy, Saleh al-Mutlaq for statements fired by the latter, which described the al-Maliki as "dictator," said the worldwide abolition "We decided to migrate this file to subsequent meetings."

and now the return of the Iraqi Council of Ministers and House of Representatives recently, as he said, the worldwide abolition "Since the National Alliance, expressed in good faith in resolving the outstanding issues is our return is imminent and that this crisis has reached its final chapters, but this does not mean that there are other crises doors wide open for such differences between the parties."

The charges against Hashmi and demand that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki withdraw confidence from the al-Mutlaq, who came to coincide with the completion of a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, sparked the latest crisis between the coalition of state law led al-Maliki and Allawi's Iraqiya, while remain points of contention stuck to them without a solution, including the selection of candidates for security in government, and the formation of strategic policies of the Supreme blocs agreed on the establishment at a meeting of Erbil, not be approved on its law so far, as well as Iraq's foreign policy, especially with regard to relations with neighboring countries.

's discussion of Iraq and the National Alliance, came hours after Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, refusing to return his deputy, Saleh al-Mutlaq to the meetings of the Council of Ministers, and stressed that the latter's return is "possible", and drew in the context that the Minister of the Iraqi told him not to interrupt, stressing that it would boycott the sessions of them "will be replaced."

Maliki said in an interview with TV Sumerian, that "what he said Mutlaq enough to show he's a man who is unable to sit in the cabinet anymore," he said, "I do not accept his return and is not possible."

On a related issue, Maliki confirmed that the "ministers of Iraq told us not to boycott and returned yesterday, some and others will return, "and he added, but said," If some people no longer be replaced, "describing what happened to" crisis emergency passed off peacefully, and will go through all the crises artificial non-real. "

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