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Kurdistan Alliance bloc Diyala expect a breakthrough soon in crisis to maintain

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Kurdistan Alliance bloc Diyala expect a breakthrough soon in crisis to maintain

30/1/2012 | (Voice of Iraq) - Sumerian News / Diyala predicted the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in the Diyala province, Monday, close to a breakthrough internal crisis suffered by the province following the implications of turning claim to the territory, while the source in the management of maintain pursuit figures clan for resolving the issue.

A member of the cluster Dler Hassan in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The Kurdistan Alliance bloc constant contact with the political blocs in the provincial council, whether rejecting or pro-file conversion Diyala province to create a calm atmosphere for dialogue and understanding and stay away from media escalation convulsive which adversely affects the public interest. "

Hassan added that the "bloc has succeeded over the past few days to hold important meetings with the political blocs in the provincial council, was reached in which the positive indicators would contribute about significant breakthrough close to the internal crisis that hit the province as a result of the repercussions advertising to make it region. " predicted member of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc to "proceed with the local government and council perform their duties of natural death soon after it became clear to all that the necessary national imperative for them to sit at the table of dialogue and resolve differences as the only way to achieve the national interest of the public." turn, the source said official in the Department of Diyala province, "Alsumaria News", "personalities clan moving into the line of resolving the internal crisis in the province since several weeks and affected citizens, especially in a public service." said the source, who asked not to be named, said: "enter the dimension of the tribal in the crisis came at the behest of government leaders in the provincial administration see this as a positive factor can accelerate the resolution of the crisis and find solutions to outstanding problems between the political blocs.

" The Council of Diyala province, its city of Baquba, 55 km northeast of Baghdad, from 29 seats and six lists of political, the largest of the Iraqi List, and has 17 seats, followed by the Kurdish Alliance with six seats, then the rule of law seats and two of the Supreme Council of Islamic, as well as one seat for the National Reform Movement.

The governor of Diyala Nasser James Baldwin, progress (in the January 9, 2012 present) , working paper included four demands to the three presidencies, to resolve the crisis in the preservation and restoration of the situation in which the nature and include the formation of the power of independent security to protect the premises of the provincial administration and council linked to it directly and cancel the arrest warrants issued against members of the local government, and the prosecution of the rioters judicial . and the voice of the province of Diyala (12 December 2011 the past), the majority of its members to declare conservative provinces administratively and economically, and signed a formal request directed to the Federal Government on the resolution, while Vice President Sadiq al-Husseini that the decision was made ​​without the approval of the Presidency of the Council, He said that currently "not appropriate" for such a procedure.

The popular demonstrations reject the declaration of the province of Diyala, paid the majority of the members of the Iraqi bloc in the provincial council and management (who are the majority) to resort to Khanaqin 0.105 north of Baquba, fear of the security situation is stable that emerged following the announcement of the application as they called it, while the confirmed security stability of the security situation is no justification for any fear of resumption of officials their jobs in the provincial administration and council.

The governor of Diyala Nasser James Baldwin, in the (17 December 2011 the past), that there is common for " militias "in different regions of the province, supported by some police officers, while noting that it killed civilians and cut off roads and caused chaos and rising food prices, called for security forces to respond to the calls continued to impose the law. is the Diyala province of Iraq's second declare itself a territory administratively and economically, after less than two months of the Declaration of Salahuddin province, in the (27 October 2011 the past), a similar move, in reaction to the actions of the Ministry of Higher Education to dismiss 140 teachers and staff of the University of Tikrit and separated from their work in implementation of the Accountability and Justice Commission, in response to a campaign arrests witnessed by the province on 23 and 26 October, which included dozens of former Iraqi army officers and members of the ousted Baath party, and in protest of the province on what promised to exclusion and marginalized them by the federal government, and lack of access to financial dues and grades.

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