Maybe I am missing something.
Has Iraq been lifted out of Chapter VII or not?
If the DFI is released from UN protection.
How is it that we are now to be the protection of these funds
What gives us special immunity from the International creditors for Iraq
Which leads us to the RV.
To RV I thought our checklist was
Out of Chapter VII
UN release of protection of DFI
International settlement and/or agreements for outstanding payments
I may be way off base.
Please any information to understand is appreciated
Has Iraq been lifted out of Chapter VII or not?
If the DFI is released from UN protection.
How is it that we are now to be the protection of these funds
What gives us special immunity from the International creditors for Iraq
Which leads us to the RV.
To RV I thought our checklist was
Out of Chapter VII
UN release of protection of DFI
International settlement and/or agreements for outstanding payments
I may be way off base.
Please any information to understand is appreciated