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Adoption of the «Declaration of Baghdad» international document

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Adoption of the «Declaration of Baghdad» international document

04/11/2012 0:00

BAGHDAD - Al Sabah Cairo - Isra Khalifa,
Deputy Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League in a statement to »morning» from the adoption of the final statement for the Arab summit which was held in Baghdad late last month, an international document. said Ambassador Ahmed Ben Helli: The «the Arab League in contact with Arab summit presidency (Iraq) to start and participate in the implementation of Summit decisions Baghdad ». Ben Helli, noted that« there is responsive and a great desire of the Iraqi side to the implementation of these decisions as soon as, so that it does not remain a dead letter ».

He continued: «already started the implementation of Summit decisions Baghdad , where he met Secretary General, Dr. Nabil Al Arab with all heads of sectors to put the decisions of Baghdad in place, and there are assignments for each of these sectors to initiate follow-up implementation, in general, either concerning the question of Palestine or Syria or Somalia, and make the Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction and related terrorism and control ». also noted Ben Helli, that« as stated in the Declaration of Baghdad includes a large number of things related to the development of joint Arab action, or with regard to slit the social, economic, especially the adoption of three strategies, the task of relating to tourism and water security and disaster reduction All of these decisions and the announcement of Baghdad addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to become an official document of the United Nations ».

and culminated in the Arab summit conference to conclude its work last month to issue the Declaration of Baghdad containing 49 items. and the restructuring of the Arab League, said Ben Costume: «There are stages in this regard raised by the Arab The first is the restructuring of the Secretariat through its departments and its files, followed by the involvement of specialized Arab organizations and ministerial councils in this structure, then comes the stage of considering the amendment of some articles by the Charter of the Arab League .. We are committed according to the vision Secretary General thrice stages and each stage is going gradually been delegated the Secretary-General from the top of Baghdad to the process of development of the university out of line with the developments and events taking place in the Arab region, which interacted with it in terms of judgment rather than texts, and to be put texts cope with this and Assistant Secretary-General and to clarify the pivotal role to deal with these events ».

According to the text of the declaration of Baghdad, published by« morning »two days before the official publication:« that the summit in Baghdad, clear proof of the restoration of Iraq's health and stability and strengthen its sovereignty », as stated it towards the Syrian crisis: «to emphasize our full support for the aspirations and the legitimate demands of the Syrian people to freedom and democracy and the right to draw their own future, and in the peaceful transfer of power, to condemn acts of violence, killing and stop the bleeding, and adherence to a political solution and national dialogue and the rejection of foreign intervention in the crisis, the Syrian order to preserve the unity of the Syria and the safety of the people ».

and on the Palestinian issue, said the statement« the need to reach a just solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis of international legitimacy and the Arab peace initiative », while the new« condemn terrorism in all its forms, image, and whatever its source and whatever the motives and justifications, and the need to root out and drying up its sources of intellectual, financial and remove the factors that fueled, and the rejection of extremism and fanaticism and away from the fatwas inciting to sedition and inciting sectarianism », hello b» practical steps approved by the 2010 conference to review the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons, especially Maitalq to set up Conference 2012 to be held in Finland on the establishment of the region free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East », pointing out that« the failure of the Conference of 2012 in achieving its objectives will drive the Arab countries to discuss steps to ensure its security », while stressed« the importance of achieving water security and the need to determine water quotas fair states riparian on the rivers of international and joint ».

the other hand, celebrated the Permanent Representation of Iraq in the Arab League summit successfully Baghdad. Dr. Qais Al-Azzawi representative of Iraq to the Arab League in the celebration: The «This summit is the first after spring Arab and Arab revolts have been successful to the degree that telegrams of congratulations comes from every point of no one believed that the country which we have watched it years ago, terrorist attacks and scary pictures, receives Arab leaders enjoyed such hospitality excellence ». said Azzawi, that« the success of the summit of Baghdad, lies in that it discussed the items are important and essential the most important 3 items which distinguished it from the rest of the peaks, the first of discussing the restructuring of the Arab League and the restructuring that needs to be changed in line with the developments and transformations of new witnessed by the Arab world, and the second item of terrorism and ways to combat it, and the third item on the parliament's decision Arab Alliance, which we hope is progressing rapidly and firmly, and walked the European Union in the European Parliament, it were not his authority and with time become a power and a large force ». In a related context, it was considered Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, the Parliamentary Conference of the Arab summit of pride for all Iraqis and a major event which participated in its success.

and Sheikh Hamoudi said in a statement, the eagerness of all the political spectrum to take Iraq's role in the Arab League, noting that the experience of Iraq's democratic advanced ready to support countries Arab spring new. The Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee: «We are past the stage of doubt others our democracy, and we believe that all countries concerned about its internal matters, at a time when we were alone swim against the current which is not a democracy in which the exception of some countries in the region». and on the crisis, the Syrian, said Hammoudi: The «problem Syrian mission on the similarities and historical links between Iraq and on the question of Palestine and because of its dimensions and effects», adding that the problem is now out of the Arab framework to represent a challenge to the major countries like China and Russia.

He noted that the Iraqi experience in the negatives and positives can utilize them, Military intervention may make a difference, but it does not represent the stable and the end of the crisis, as happened in Iraq. said Hamoudi that «what is happening now is a bad situation and the survival of the regime in this image any in the form of one-party is not acceptable but the partition or civil war is the worst on Iraq .. So we are with the project Kofi Annan and the draft of the Arab League first, as criticized some Arab countries, which he described, lived patience and rush of events and appointments, revealed that the «Iraq takes the role between Turkey and Iran on the subject of Syria». And on the terrorism issue, Sheikh Hamoudi: The «Many of the terrorists Grroa they will fight the Americans and if they are hampered by shedding of Iraqi blood and they were driven by certain countries were preoccupied now on their own for that I apologize President of Tunisia present what he was doing the former Tunisian», revealing that Iraq is about to sue states involved blood of Iraq, without revealing the names of those countries.

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