Expert: raise zeros from the currency is an achievement
الأثنين, 27 حزيران - يونيو 2011 14:35 Monday, 27 June to June 2011 14:35
Industrial expert said Abdul Hassan Shammari that the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency is an achievement of the Central Bank will be recorded in the case have been implemented. Where the Iraqi Central Bank announced its readiness to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency.
وقال الشمري ان عملية حذف الأصفارلا تؤثر على الصناعة والتجارة العراقية بل انها تعتبر خطوة جيدة من البنك المركزي التي ستضيف انجازا له في حال تم تنفيذها لكونها ستخفف الكثير من العناء للموازنة وللمحال التجارية. Al-Shammari said that the process of deleting Alocefarla affect the Industry and Trade of Iraq, but it is a good step from the central bank will add an achievement that has been implemented in the event because it would ease a lot of effort to balance and trade shops.
واضاف إن هذا الموضوع كان من المفترض ان ينفذ منذ فترة، مشيراً الى اننا لسنا الدولة الوحيدة التي قامت برفع الاصفار فإن تركيا حذفت ستة اصفار من عملتها واصبحت ليرة واحدة. He added that this issue was supposed to be implemented some time ago, indicating that we are not the only country that has raised the zeros, Turkey deleted six zeroes from the currency and has become one of the lira.
الأثنين, 27 حزيران - يونيو 2011 14:35 Monday, 27 June to June 2011 14:35
Industrial expert said Abdul Hassan Shammari that the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency is an achievement of the Central Bank will be recorded in the case have been implemented. Where the Iraqi Central Bank announced its readiness to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency.
وقال الشمري ان عملية حذف الأصفارلا تؤثر على الصناعة والتجارة العراقية بل انها تعتبر خطوة جيدة من البنك المركزي التي ستضيف انجازا له في حال تم تنفيذها لكونها ستخفف الكثير من العناء للموازنة وللمحال التجارية. Al-Shammari said that the process of deleting Alocefarla affect the Industry and Trade of Iraq, but it is a good step from the central bank will add an achievement that has been implemented in the event because it would ease a lot of effort to balance and trade shops.
واضاف إن هذا الموضوع كان من المفترض ان ينفذ منذ فترة، مشيراً الى اننا لسنا الدولة الوحيدة التي قامت برفع الاصفار فإن تركيا حذفت ستة اصفار من عملتها واصبحت ليرة واحدة. He added that this issue was supposed to be implemented some time ago, indicating that we are not the only country that has raised the zeros, Turkey deleted six zeroes from the currency and has become one of the lira.