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Parliament lifted its to Monday after the vote on bills and advertise hosting several Ministers about canceling ration

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Parliament lifted its to Monday after the vote on bills and advertise hosting several Ministers about canceling ration
Thursday, 08 November 2012 19: 17

{Baghdad: Euphrates news} House decided to lift its thirty-first Osama's House and in the presence of the 174 deputies today to next Monday after voting on laws and the conclusion of the first reading of three draft laws and proposals announced by host the Ministers of finance, planning and commerce to discuss the Government's decision to abolish ration cards.

At the beginning of the meeting, read out a statement by Deputy Mohammed Jamshid participation Committee for security and defence, and a number of deputies from different blocks where condemned repeated attacks on Web component in several areas condemning the bombings and repeated attacks since 2003 that left more than {1987} Shahid and led to the displacement of 7,000 families.

He said "there is a clear message to target components of the Iraqi people for religious and nationalist sensitivities raised by terrorism, urging the Prime Minister and territorial Government interest in communities and raise the combat readiness of the protection network".

And in Iraq's security and Defence Committee to investigate the case and submit a report to the Council in this regard.

After the Council voted on the draft law on ratification of the Convention against corruption and Arabic by the integrity committees and external relations and legal in order to activate Arabic and international efforts aimed at combating corruption as a transnational phenomenon and to facilitate international cooperation in this area, especially regarding extradition of perpetrators and recover the property.

Presidium postponed the voting on the draft law on monetary and banking training centre and by the Finance Committee to another hearing for Browning drafted in agreement with the legal Committee.

The Council completed a draft law on the Bank of the two rivers and by the Finance Committee and the legal Committee for the purpose of expansion of economic activity and boost Islamic banking and desire a broad cross-section of citizens in obtaining banking services approval of Islamic law.

After the Council completed the first reading of the draft law on ratification of the agreement establishing the international anti-corruption Academy as an international organization and by the integrity committees and external relations, legal, which aims to strengthen international cooperation in combating corruption.

The Board completed the second reading of the proposed Act monthly grants for athletes heroes and pioneers, submitted by the Committee on youth and sports.

And in interventions emphasized full movie "calling them heroes who bring the name of Iraq high in international sports forums deserve honor" to "rethink the legal age of 50 years for pioneer athletes."

MP Haider Al-Mulla said that "development is the pioneer did not include contractors with foreign clubs is hindered for covered" wondering "about the criteria adopted in determining the duration of 10 years experience".

MP Hassan Jihad inquired about the reasons for the failure to include athletes with lifelong salary heroes like pioneer, stressing that the proposed law is important for equity slice athletes heroes and pioneers.

Sulaymaniah Deputy called to define the time period for those covered by the law and provide health insurance for them.

His attorney Kamal Al-Saadi suggested that the allocation of plots covered by sportsmen.

MP invited batool Farouk to merge proposal submitted to honor artists with the athletes for the inventory number and provide interest for everyone.

MP Hamid was Buffy supported Bill urging to identify service and years of pioneer athletes.

Al jumaily unit MP drew an important marginalized segments indicating the possibility of activating the Iraqi athletes Fund.

In its reply to the interventions, the Commission confirmed its willingness to reformulate some paragraphs contained in the proposed law, saying "select 10 years for athletes heroes come to benefit from grants and the opportunity to come after him in sport".

The Committee noted that "retirement fund funded the salaries of athletes athletes and is difficult to use it to allocate land for protected".

For his part stressed Iraq's "the importance of supporting Iraqi athletes and especially bring them significant achievements in international sports forums".

The Board completed the second reading of the draft law on the sale and lease of State funds and report financial and legal committees.

And in the interventions of lawmakers on the draft law called MP Baha Al-araji, to "remove the exceptions in the law that allows senior management to State funds in accordance with the provisions of the present law".

MP Abbas Al-Bayati said the law as "important to recover State funds by lessors and investors".

Adnan al-Janabi, MP urged that "the law is clear and transparent and codifies the exceptions and that investment law would provide exemptions claimed by the investor.

For his part drew MP Abboud Al-Issawi to "waive the necessity of raising money by public and political figures, particularly since many of them belonged to the State."

The Attorney called þçóã ãíãï þçóã amendments on some articles especially with the presence of jersualem in the Bill.

MP Hamid noted Buffy "law falls under laws that support central requiring abstinence from legislation any law contrary to the federal system in the country" and called for "non-territory provinces broad powers in this area."

MP demanded the names of "Commission of the Presidium of the House of representatives to consider all State funds that were sold recently to see the amount of corruption in this file.

Al jumaily unit MP said the law includes an enhanced investment opportunities in the country. "

Sudanese Attorney Nada stressed "the importance of the formation of a Committee by the Council of Ministers to protect State funds and that the law represents an opportunity for the distribution of State land to citizens fairly."

The Attorney said mutasher Samurai to the "inadmissibility of selling endowments only need interest who will benefit a proposal not to sell State property."

Either high MP Nassif has demanded "clear all exceptions in the law and the need to cover the wastes law real estate sale State funds".

His attorney suggested Bayezid good "at a Declaration on the sale of 10 days in the official press.

In its reply to interventions, legal Committee confirmed that "exceptions in the Bill can be addressed before the vote on the law."

In his intervention the Minister of State for House Safaa net debt that "exceptions contained in the law are necessary to grant some land for public benefit."

Turn House speaker announced the formation of a parliamentary Committee chaired by each of the committees and financial integrity and legal investigation files for property and rental properties which were sold back to the State and to report to the Presidency within 10 days.

The most noted Iraq to host the Ministers of finance, planning and trade at a meeting next Monday to discuss the issue of abolition of ration cards.Finished

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