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Kirkuk Vice Kirkuk Arabs: the poor performance of the federal government, Allawi's list and conspiracies of the presidency of the parliament Iraqi identity exposure to risk province

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Vice Kirkuk Arabs: the poor performance of the federal government, Allawi's list and conspiracies of the presidency of the parliament Iraqi identity exposure to risk province

07/18/2013 17:27

Range Press / Kirkuk
Confirmed deputies Arabs in Kirkuk on Thursday, that "poor performance" The federal government and the Iraqi List, is the cause of "exposure Iraqi identity in the province at risk," and subjected Arab component in which the process of "cleansing and genocide", while demanding a return to the electoral system Previous instead proposed by the Kurdistan Alliance, and stay away from the proposals involving "partisan political goals," accused the Presidency of the Council of Representatives of Iraq to participate in "a conspiracy against the Arab component" to accept the proposal as a basis for the enactment of the local elections in the governorate.
The deputies said in a statement issued today, and received a (long-Presse) a copy of it, that "the poor performance of the federal authorities was the reason behind exposed the identity of Kirkuk, Iraqi risk and loss, especially after the emergence of indicators confirm give up large blocks for national duty and the pursuit of personal gain and partisan."
He said deputies Arabs in Kirkuk, in their statement, that "there are many reasons behind what is happening to the Arabs in Kirkuk, the most important of the poor performance of the Iraqi List, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, and committed to serious errors in its alliances with parties were the main reason for what is happening to this component maintenance, "and stressed that" Kirkuk's Arabs are exposed to cleansing and genocide latest cafe bombing that killed 34 young men, without being issued by the federal or local governments any condemnation or disapproval. "
The House of Representatives, according to the statement, that "some political leaders Kurdish asked the Federal Supreme Court repeal of Article 23 of Law No. 36 of 2008 which keeps the Iraqi Kirkuk," and called for the House of Representatives need to "return to the electoral system, the former rather than the proposal submitted by the Kurdistan Alliance, and stay away from the proposals involving partisan political goals. "
He warned Congress Kirkuk Arabs, in their statement, of "conspiracy against the Arabs to maintain as noted repeatedly," stressing that this "plot lies in giving up the presidency of parliament for its approach taken in the previous session to form a committee of parliamentary blocs to cooperate with the legal committee to develop a proposal to the House of Representatives election law and accept the proposal of the Kurdistan Alliance as the basis for legislation that law. "
A source in the Kirkuk police, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), in (the 13th of July 2013 now), that the death toll from the bombing of the IED in the (coffee shop Clask) district, one June, south of Kirkuk, rose to 60 people, including 35 dead and 25 wounded.
It is noteworthy that Kirkuk has seen a provincial elections after 2005, like other provinces during the year (2009 and 2013), because of differences between the components were formed provincial council after the fall of the former regime of representatives of nationalities main four taking into account the case of compatibility to regulate the affairs of the province and fill the void administrative, legislative, and constitute a new board in the light of the results of the 2005 elections for provincial councils in accordance with closed lists that were in place at the time.
The province of Kirkuk, (is its 250 km north of Baghdad), a mixed population of Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen and Christians, and the Sabians, of the most disputed areas, and covered by Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, as well as being among the most important areas of Iraq's oil-rich, witnessing continuing differences between the components as well as the almost daily acts of violence affecting civilians and security forces alike.

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