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And Washington and Tehran انقلبا the al-Maliki and the Supreme movement to unseat him (post for player)

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Focused newspapers on Wednesday morning, the fourteenth of August, the efforts of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for a third term, and his quest for U.S. support. Some of them talked about the change the U.S. and Iranian positions him and the Alliance of the Sadrist movement and the Islamic Supreme Council to remove him from power.

In this regard, the newspaper said / Constitution / Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has become convinced that the government assuming the presidency again not easy at all. And that the accounts of regional and international will play a pivotal role in this case, what prompted him to think about visiting Tehran and Washington over the next few days to get support for the leadership of the government for the third time ..
and quoted sources described Palmqrbh from the circle of political decision: "that al-Maliki will visit the Iranian capital Tehran at the head of a high level delegation will meet with President Hassan Rohani and high-level officials to seek support for his premiership in the third term, as well as the conclusion of agreements in various fields .. There will also be Maliki's second visit after Tehran to the United States to meet with U.S. President Barack Obama for support also for his third mandate, "to Avcth / Resources / To:" that al-Maliki will ask support from Tehran and Washington, depending on the put will be presented in front of officials in these two countries is that the work on the restoration of his relationship with the Kurds and mutual visits conducted by the agreements with them, as well as the agreement with the head of block / united / Osama Najafi to grant year as president during the coming period ..
As quoted / Constitution / sources, said it was close to the political department of the Supreme Council and the Sadrists: "The agreement was between the current and the Council to remove al-Maliki as prime minister after they received the support of the Iraqi List. "and confirmed these sources, the paper said:" The Sadrists and the Supreme Council agreed to تنضيج proposal to dissolve the government and parliament presented by al-Maliki during the last period has been rejected by all parties, and agreed to claim this proposal in the coming period after securing the support of Iraq. "
For its part, the newspaper said / future / The National Alliance detect a change in the attitude of the American and Iranian support for Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, said that Tehran is trying to search for new personal alternative leader of a coalition of state law, what makes the third-Maliki in the state's desire difficult.
quoted in this regard by the Attorney Amir Kanani saying: "The situation began to change from Iranian support for al-Maliki, and they are now trying to search for a new character instead. And that the American administration is the other to Atjbha the actions of al-Maliki and his policies with crises. "
and saw Kanani, as / future /: "Iran is not betting never on the losing horse was satisfied that the bet on Maliki in the recent period is misplaced." noting that Iran had informed the coalition reads (if it has been agreed between the components on the personal Other new سنتخلى for Maliki immediately).
newspaper pointed out that spins between the inner circles within the corridors of the National Alliance, that the components of the National Alliance intends to discuss alternative options to head the next government, particularly the most prominent personalities candidate to succeed al-Maliki that focus on the vice president resigned Adel Abdul-Mahdi, leader of the Supreme Council Bayan Jabr and leader of the Dawa Party, Ali al-Adeeb.
newspaper / Zora / issued by the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, dealt with this issue from the viewpoint of the independent MP Hassan Alawi, who described the alliance of the Sadrists and the Supreme Council as a step calculated to form a unit sociopolitical exceed spammers party.
quoted from the top saying: "There is a glimmer of hope for some Iraqis in the sighting of the crescent political will grow even impossible to full, and is in the steps studied by walking by both the Islamic Council and the Sadrist movement to form a unity socio-political exceed spammers party, has been transferred Iraq for the first time since 1968 to the rule of non-partisan and to the political system to Aigrr in the hallway partisan secret as has been happening for more than forty years. "
he added Upper: "The advantage of the uniqueness of these steps it is issued by the two groups سياسيتين to not take any of them organizing secret, but اتعتمد any of the formulas party suffered by Iraq in eras past, but use these groups to see an open political community not subject individual when the standard المتحزبين, To ايعدو seats responsibilities sensitive people are coming from portholes organization regardless of restrictions work and conditions of the experience and the culture and practice and others. "
Either newspaper / New Morning / dealt with the position of the Kurdistan Alliance of the subject, referring to comments the independent MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Mahmoud Othman , who said: "The Kurdistan Alliance bloc did not discuss the issue of the mandate of Prime Minister بولايتين or extended with any other block, but does not have any agreement between the Kurdistan Alliance and a coalition of state law to extend the mandate of al-Maliki, issue is premature, because of the guarantee that Maliki's list is that will win in the upcoming elections. "
between Osman, according to the paper: "This issue is subject to two things, either you are amending the Constitution and writes it to the biggest bloc appoints the prime minister, provided that ايتعين the same person for three consecutive times, or be There is a political agreement between the parties on this subject. "
In the same vein, reported / New Morning /: "The Liberal block of the Sadrist movement led by Muqtada al-Sadr, warned Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki from running for a third term, saying that the move means more of failures and failure at all levels. "
and quoted bloc MP Hussein Sharifi: "The opinion of most of the blocks in this aspect was evident in the vote on the law of the mandate of Prime Minister بدورتين. And work the opposite means lack of respect for the will of the people who pretend to on a daily basis against the deterioration of electricity and the lack of jobs for the financial corruption that has exceeded all limits. "
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