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Parliament votes tomorrow on the Official Language Act and reads the four laws (PFP)

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Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: announced the Information Service of the House of Representatives, on Wednesday, that the parliament will vote on Thursday on the Law of the official language and read the four draft laws. said circuit in a statement posted on the parliament-mail and informed him "tomorrow Presse", "The agenda of the meeting of the Council Representatives of 28 of the first legislative term of the legislative year the fourth to be prepared, on Thursday, includes a vote on the bill the official language. " the statement added, "The table also includes a second reading of the draft law on accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, and the second reading of the draft law include, "noting that" the agenda also includes the second reading of the draft law and the Ministry of Transport, and the second reading of the draft law universities and community colleges, as well as discuss the admission of students in universities. " It is noteworthy that the House of Representatives lift, on Tuesday (22 October 2013), its the 27 of the first legislative term of the legislative year fourth, which was held under the chairmanship of Osama Najafi and the absence of 87 deputies, to tomorrow, Thursday, the session witnessed the occurrence of verbal altercations between the mass change and the Kurdistan Alliance about the vote on the election Kirkuk province.

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I think this law is very important...here's why:

The introduction of the Kurdish language in the new currency does not need legislation law, but the approval of the Central Bank
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(Voice of Iraq) – Baghdad (news)

Said a member of the Committee of Economy and Investment National Alliance MP Ibrahim Rikabi, the introduction of the Kurdish language in the new currency after deletion of zeros of the three of them do not need legislation to the law, but only with the consent of the Central Bank as the competent authority to do so.

The stapes (the Agency news): Although the Kurdish language is official language, but Arabic is the language basis of the fact that the language of the majority, noting that the introduction of the Kurdish language to the new currency is assumed to be the introduction of languages ​​of the nationalities of other Katurkmanah or Syriac and this is not permissible because the currency Sti_oh writings.

He added that the process of introduction of the Kurdish language to the currency after you delete the zeros of the three of them do not require new legislation or amendments in the Constitution as some might imagine, but only with the consent of the Central Bank of the competent professional that the project is known as the accepted form of currency and the people

It is noteworthy that some of the House of Representatives Committees on Finance and Economic pointed out that the introduction of the Kurdish language in the new currency need to constitutional amendments that the official language is Arabic, as stipulated by the Constitution of Iraq.

The Central Bank of Iraq announced (29 September 2011) that the year 2013 will see the deletion of zeros and switch the currency, which warned him, officials and economists because of the presence of mafias currency is preparing to rig the trillions of Iraqi dinars to replace them in the light of the upcoming changes.

The Council called for the prime minister’s central bank to wait a project to delete the zeros of the three local currency, saying he was a big project and needs to be enough time to apply it.

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The Constitution affirmed in Article (4) that the Arabic and Kurdish are the official languages of Iraq and the scope of the official language of all government issues both in and exported from the House of Representatives, ministers, courts and other areas that require the principle of equality (Kjeridh official banknotes and passport).

He added: Since the new currency the deleted zeros is the official currency of Iraq must be issued in both Arabo and Kurdish as stipulated in the Constitution, noting that the claimants drawers currency Arabic alone, “they think they are still living the central system dictatorship that believes Baltsultah and socialism.”

He said: In case of issuance of the new currency after deletion of zeros of the three of them without the Kurdish language under the pretext it needed to legislate a law or constitutional amendments will be rejected outright in the region and not to deal with. and calls for a number of parliamentarians in the two financial and economic ;[u]new law or an amendment to the Constitution of Iraq allowed the Kurdish language to the new currency.r[/u]



and they stated in the year 2013 they will see the new currency , we might still have time only 3 months ,,, comeon folks in c.b.i. you can do it

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