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Najafi looking with Biden security and political situation in the country

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Thursday, June 19th, 2014 13:17
Najafi looking with Biden security and political situation in the country

BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News .. Discuss president of a coalition united to reform Osama Najafi, on Thursday, with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's security and political situation in Iraq, during a telephone conversation between the two parties, according to a statement of the coalition.
According to the statement, which received / Baghdadi News / copy of "Najafi received a phone call from Biden were discussed security and political situation in Iraq."
"We have been emphasizing the need to address the totals for terrorist represented by (Daash)," pointing out that "a military solution alone does not lead to a result without being accompanied by a political solution based on dealing with the needs of citizens and their demands legitimate vision beyond sight narrow sectarian", referring to the "the necessity of a complete separation between the terrorists and the rights of claimants."
He pointed out that "any military strike air can be carried out by the United States should aim to organize" Daash "alone without inflicting damage to citizens and their property."
The statement quoted Najafi confirmed Biden "principled position hard against the rights of citizens legitimate, and need to be overcome the causes that led to the worsening situation militarily and politically," explaining that "the real participation and the presence of political solutions and respect for the components of the people would lead inevitably to besiege the terrorists and prevent them from taking advantage of opportunities , and the support provided to our security forces should not be hurt or exploited politically by any of the parties. "
Najafi and agreed with Biden on "accelerate the implementation of the constitutional entitlements to the election of the Speaker and the President and the Prime Minister to be done in accordance with the vision to be able to change and to address the problems and the adoption of national solutions that represent the need of all Iraqis." According to the statement.
Iraq is gripped by violence almost daily in some of its provinces, car bombs, and explosive, and explosive belts worn by suicide bombers who target civilians, and security forces alike, and while exposed Baghdad and some central and southern governorates to a series of bombings after about a month on the first legislative elections Since the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country in 2011, worsened after more control of the organization "Daash" terror on the city of Mosul and some parts of Salah al-Din, and Kirkuk, and Diyala.
While taken the security forces under tight security in the capital, Baghdad, on the background of the deteriorating security situation in a number of northern provinces, and the control of terrorists "Daash" on a number of Aqditha and its environs, decided to Baghdad Operations Command curfew on its outlets from ten o'clock in the evening until six in the morning in all outlets continue with the ban in effect from 12 midnight until five in the morning in the city of Baghdad.
Announced the general commander of the armed forces of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Tuesday (06/10/2014) on high alert, and called the House of Representatives before the end of the session (14.06.2014) by declaring a state of emergency in the country, with office issued a religious authority, Ali al-Sistani issued a statement urging Iraqi forces to be patient in the face of insurgents.
Baghdad is, already are conditions of security is stable, while affirming that the United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), earlier this month, that the outcome of last May, was martyred and wounded nearly 2,900 people between civilian and security, considered the highest since the beginning of the year 2014, noting that Baghdad was the most vulnerable and harmful than other provinces other terrorist operations targeting unarmed civilians and security forces alike. ended 1 /

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