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That is why “Al-Sadr went crazy”: A “leak” of a “framework plan” to overthrow Al-Sadr and isolate his current is implemented by Al-Sudani.

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That is why “Al-Sadr went crazy”: A “leak” of a “framework plan” to overthrow Al-Sadr and isolate his current is implemented by Al-Sudani.

Reports & Analytics     breaking     Muqtada al-Sadr     Sadrist Movement     Muhammed Shiaa    Al-Sudani     Shiite coordination framework
2022-08-16 10:28
Shafaq News/
The British "Middle East Eye" website revealed a "leak" related to a secret deal, leaked by the Americans, that caused the ignition of the recent political crisis represented by Muqtada al-Sadr's conflict with the forces of the coordination framework around Parliament, adding that

the real essence of the current confrontation relates to With the spoils of money and its distribution.

The British website clarified in a report translated by Shafak News Agency;

The scenes last Friday in the demonstrations that faced each other in and around the Green Zone, between supporters of al-Sadr and supporters of the coordination framework, was a show of strength, and that

despite the lack of will for a direct confrontation between the two camps, all parties were holding their breath.

The report quoted a senior Iraqi official as saying that

"unfortunately, all the elements of a civil war are available.

Tension between the conflicting parties is at its peak, and
there is a complete absence of logic, and
there is control of stubbornness,
arrogance and
available weapons
," adding that

"the Green Zone is currently surrounded by groups of weapons and militants.

The weapons that entered Baghdad during the past two weeks are amazing."

Referring to a "chicken" that caused Kurdish-Kurdish fighting during the 1990s, the Iraqi official now wondered,

"What would happen if a chicken crossed from Sadr City, the stronghold of the Sadrists, to Palestine Street, where the Iran-backed armed Hezbollah Brigades are in control?"

Leak up to the chest

And after the report reviewed the results of the parliamentary elections and the political and constitutional dispute around them,

and the success of the coordination framework in obstructing al-Sadr’s efforts to form the new government,

leading to the resignation of the Sadrist MPs last June,

and the transformation of the framework’s forces into the largest bloc in parliament, and then his asylum on 25 July last,

To the nomination of Muhammad al-Sudani, who has long been associated with Nouri al-Maliki, Sadr's main rival,

the report said that in response to this, the Sadrists flooded the Green Zone with demonstrators.

The report pointed out that al-Sadr personally called on his loyalists to withdraw and leave the area after a few hours, but they returned after 72 hours, after al-Sadr called them this time to occupy the parliament building. The report continued;

Al-Sadr or any of its leaders did not disclose what happened during those three days, which caused the leader of the Sadrist movement to return the demonstrators to storm Parliament again.

However, the British report quoted three Shiite leaders, including a leader close to al-Sadr and the other two close to the coordination framework, as saying that

the decision to storm the Green Zone for the second time is directly linked to a leak of information.

According to these sources,

Al-Sadr discovered that a group of leaders of the coordination framework, including Al-Sudani, had reached an agreement that would achieve control over key ministries and government bodies after the formation of the new government, and that this includes the

Ministry of Interior, the

Counter-Terrorism Service, the

Intelligence Service and the

Oil Marketing Company “SOMO.” " and


The report indicated that the sources were unable to determine the exact date and place of this meeting, but it is certain that it was held in Baghdad during the month of July, and that Hadi al-Amiri and Haider al-Abadi did not participate in this meeting and are not part of this deal.

The report quoted an informed senior Iraqi official as saying that

"what was leaked about this agreement is what provoked al-Sadr's madness, and prompted him to storm the Green Zone and occupy the parliament building for the second time."

And after the report pointed out that Al-Sadr currently controls many powerful agencies in the state, and that

his authority and influence will be greatly affected if the leaders of the coordination framework succeed in their endeavor. The Iraqi official was quoted as saying that

"this agreement aims to dismantle and isolate the Sadrist machine within the state's institutions," adding that

"the Americans were the ones who leaked the details of this agreement.

It is unreasonable for the Americans to stand by while the armed factions seek to control the Ministry of Interior, the Intelligence Service, and the Counterterrorism terrorism."

no dialogue

While the report stated that the attempts to calm the two parties clashed with al-Sadr’s refusal to receive any calls or visits from anyone outside the Sadrist movement since the resignation of his deputies, and he did not open any channel for dialogue, with the sole exception of his recent reception at his headquarters in Najaf, the United Nations representative, Jeninine Plasschaert..

The report, quoting a Western diplomat, stated that

no one disclosed what happened during the meeting with Blackshart, which lasted about two hours,

but it is clear that Blackshart's efforts to persuade al-Sadr to open a dialogue with his opponents did not succeed.   The report continued that

Al-Sadr, on the other hand, escalated the situation after only 48 hours, as the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zeidan, demanded the dissolution of Parliament.

The report quoted the Western diplomat as saying that

Blackshart's meeting with al-Sadr "did not go badly, but it did not produce tangible results."  The report added that

al-Sadr demands the dissolution of parliament before it begins any dialogues or reaching settlements, which is an unacceptable issue for his opponents and allies.  

The report quoted international observers, Iraqi politicians and Western diplomats as saying that

the two main powers, namely the United States and Iran, have not yet intervened or used their power to help dismantle the crisis, despite the fact that they are the most influential players in Iraq since 2003.

The report added that Washington and Tehran have no desire to intervene soon, and that

the arduous negotiations on the nuclear agreement constitute the main priority for them in the region.

In this context, the report considered that given that the European Union countries do not have a great influence in Iraq, attention is directed to Britain, which has good relations with everyone and can influence personalities belonging to both camps.

The report quoted the director of the United States Institute of Peace, Eli Abu Aoun, as saying that "regional parties such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran may intervene, but no one will support an armed confrontation."  But he also pointed out that

"the British enjoy great influence in Iraq, and they are currently among the most important parties that can play an active role in resolving this crisis."

The fight over money

The report quoted a prominent Shiite politician as saying that

all decision-makers in Iraq, including al-Sadr, realize that organizing early elections according to the same election law and mechanisms will not solve the problem.

The report quoted experts, jurists and politicians as saying that

it is unlikely that the coordinating framework forces will commit the same mistakes that they made before and led to poor results in the past elections, adding that

it is likely that the biggest winner in the early elections will be the coordinating framework forces.

According to a prominent Shiite politician,

"the framework forces are fully aware of their weaknesses that led them to this heavy loss, and they will not repeat them again."   The Shiite politician added that

none of the conflicting parties would be able to win many seats on their own, and that

their stinging statements about the elections and the legitimacy of the state and parliament were "used to cover their real goals."   He added that

"the real problem lies elsewhere, and that

the current conflict in its essence is a struggle over the centers of money distribution," adding that

the existing forces, especially among the Shiites, "turned into mini-states parallel to the state, all of which are fighting to secure their financial resources."   The Shiite politician concluded by saying;

The conflict started from the areas of operation of oil companies, border crossings and banks, and

the conflict is currently heading towards the center (Baghdad), adding that

the current scramble aims to "redraw the influence of each group in Baghdad, but within the state, not outside it."

Translation: Shafak News Agency

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