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Experts: We need to develop other sources of oil resources as well as

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Experts: We need to develop other sources of oil resources as well as

 Baghdad / Adel Saffar

He specialists in economic affairs on the necessity of activating economic alternatives and revitalization and development to benefit them as well as oil resources in the light of the high population density in order to avoid the economic problems that may occur, while the government indicated that Iraq, which is one of the most developed countries in the world.
Speaking expert said Economic Dergham Mohammed Ali to the extent "There are many resources and multi-is one of the alternatives the task and supporting oil resources, but on the condition that improves exploited properly to take advantage of them at all levels such as agriculture, industry and tourism based on the production capacities efficient for the development of the development process and then does not constitute this increase element of fear never.
added : Take Japan, for example is a country area estimated area of Iraq, and growth of the population continues to increase, but has the competencies and capabilities may be invested in all economic fields ..
He explained: as well as Iraq can make plans to take advantage of the capabilities youth and direct them properly and investment competencies and continuously developing in all areas of agricultural , industrial and scientific for ratios increased productivity and good quality, and that is not our reliance only on oil resources, then Iraq will be immune from the problems of overpopulation.
For his part, economic expert contrary goldsmith that "increasing population density in Iraq does not pose a condition that is directing resources properly.
said in an interview over: Iraq is not a country with limited resources, and the subject of the increase does not cause concern on the economic level with the possibility of channeling resources properly to serve the community .. He explained: increase does not cause concern if there were clear plans care competencies and capabilities away from the cronyism and loyalties and directed towards hard work and dedication, then we will have a positive indicator confirms the state's interest in these energies and creations youth sincere through the adoption of mechanisms of action right ..
And: will also contribute This attention to reduce unemployment and facilitate ways to work ..
He added: It is true that there are failures and cons of many country has witnessed since 2004, but over the past two others we became we see a significant improvement in directing talent that have a positive impact in the community building,
and pointed out: surely will be reflected vividly on the economic areas of the country .. He explained: an example, there are committees working on the issue of reform in all areas of administrative, financial and other matters pertaining to the work of these committees and will we see more positive results, today we need to respect ourselves through our belonging National for a new Iraq.
Meanwhile counting Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, yesterday, Iraq, one of the most developed countries in the population, calling for the development of a strategy for that growth.
Maliki said in a statement carried by the "Twilight News" presided over the first meeting of the Supreme Council of the population in Iraq, said "The formation of this Council is a step on the road to building scientific state which is based on statistics and strategies. "
and called on al-Maliki to "develop a strategy, one for each of Iraq's population growth, dealing with SURGE of the population that Iraq is among the countries most population growth in the world," noting that "population policy associated with the overall strategies of State in other areas. "
Maliki confirmed "the need for attention to factors affecting the population policy and those related to the organization of media campaigns on women and child health, education and others."
The Council includes in its membership and Minister of Planning and Finance and Construction and Housing and Health, Labour and Social Affairs and the State for Women's Affairs and Youth and Sports, Education and Higher Education and scientific research, culture and planning in the Kurdistan Regional Government, in addition to a major Diwani الوقفين Shiite and Sunni, the Board of Awqaf Christian and Yezidi and Sabean Mandaean.
mentions that Baghdad and other provinces experiencing a significant rise in the prices of real estate and land plots under the housing crisis sharp failed successive governments to find a solution to it, while witness the Kurdistan region of Iraq is soaring real estate prices due to the influx of buyers from other provinces.

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