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Washington Post recommends that Obama pressed Al-Maliki to settle the succession with partners as a condition of support intelligence

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13/07/29 (00: 30 pm)

Washington Post recommends that Obama pressed Al-Maliki to settle the succession with partners as a condition of support intelligence

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The Washington Post newspaper in an editorial yesterday, the Obama administration pressing Al-Maliki and the requirement to take some action in Exchange for us support and arms, unlike the extremists in Iraq who will be America's security problem.

The newspaper said Vice President Barack Obama Adviser, in time for national security adviser, Denis McDonough, said, citing the decision of October 2011 to withdraw troops completely, that "what we aspire to is an Iraq that is secure, stable and self-reliant, and this is what we got, so there is no doubt that this was a success."

The paper commented that it is clear today that Mr. McDonough was premature. After twenty-one months, Iraq believes now suffers from the worst violence since u.s. forces momentum strategy to stop the sectarian civil war in 2007, and the ability of the United States to help are limited now because Mr. Obama's decision to withdraw all US forces from Iraq.

The paper said that renewed conflict in Iraq drew last week due to a dramatic attack carried out by Al Qaeda on prisons, including Abu Ghraib prison facility near Baghdad, "the paper pointed out that" the Coordinator attack led to the flight of hundreds of security prisoners, including a number of senior al-Qaeda leaders. "

The paper found that "edit these sounds definitely feeds more violence not only in Iraq but also in neighbouring Syria, where Al-Qaida is waging a war against the Government of Bashar Al-Assad as well as fight against moderate insurgent groups".

The bloodshed escalated. During the past four months, killing nearly 3,000 people and injured more than 7,000, according to remember the United Nations. Most of the civilian victims of the bombing of Al-Qaida or the attacks of Sunni and Shiite militias reverting to operating in Baghdad and North of the country.

And all of this activity was strong in part because the Syrian war, which prompted the year against Shiites and Alawis. But the unrest in Iraq also due to narrow sectarian policies and authoritarian policies of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who later leaders in his Government and sent troops to attack Sunni protest camp.

Al-Maliki recently took small steps toward calming sectarian divisions in the country, according to the newspaper, by opening negotiations with the Kurdistan Regional Government in northern Iraq and allowing deferred provincial councils elections in Sunni provinces.

However, there is still an urgent need to take more decisive measures to prevent the country sliding back into civil war. Despite the withdrawal of US forces, the United States still has some weight, now is the time to use it.

--The Obama administration offered for very long unconditional support for Mr. Maliki. Now the Administration should inform the continued US military aid, including large weapons systems, delivery will depend on whether his Government was prepared to drop charges against the leaders of the year and reach an agreement with the Kurds on the disputed land and revenue sharing. The White House should also emphasize hands on Al-Maliki to act to curb Shiite milishaoih groups.

At the same time, the paper concluded, the White House to see if he can offer additional support for the Iraqi armed forces in intelligence or training or equipment to counter growing threats from Al-Qaeda. If they have not been addressed, the extremist forces in Iraq will become the sooner security problem, as far as us.

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