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Maliki presented a report on the readiness of security forces in maintaining internal security of the country

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Sunday July 31, 2011

Maliki presented a report on the readiness of security forces in maintaining internal security of the country

Alsumaria News / Baghdad
, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Saturday, has offered a report on the readiness of Iraqi security forces to the House of Representatives, stressing the need for Iraq to U.S. trainers on new weapons, as he pointed to a trainer does not need the approval of the Council of Representatives. said Nuri al-Maliki during a press conference held Today, in the parliament building and attended by "Alsumaria News", he "presented a report and clear about the readiness of Iraqi security forces to the Council," noting that "the report explained the need for Iraq to U.S. trainers on new weapons purchased by the government." Maliki said that "the presence of trained Americans in Iraq does not need the consent of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, "noting that" the government can purchase weapons, but any foreign forces to Atbaky on the ground in Iraq without the approval of Parliament. " Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said, in the 28 of July, the current through a telephone conversation with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, that the Iraqi Council of Representatives is the one who ultimately determines whether the country needs U.S. forces to stay or not, expected to take the leaders of political blocs, a position on the withdrawal during their next meeting, while the new U.S. Vice President's support of Iraq and his government to face various challenges. was considered the Iraqi List, confirmed al-Maliki to escape responsibility, criticizing throw the ball in the court of the House of Representatives at a time does not have any vision on the resolution of security in the country. The Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, in the 27 of July present, the decision to American withdrawal from the country's need for national consensus, "unlikely to be an extension option is probably at the expense of the actual need for trainers and military expertise to support the national security forces for the difficult passage in parliament. and varied statements of Iraqi politicians and their position on the remaining part of the U.S. forces in the country after the end of 2011, with the loading of each other's decision-making responsibility, it was announced the president, Jalal Talabani, in an interview with China Central Television "CCtv", on 20 July, the current, that the reports of the military leadership of Iraq confirmed "inability" of Iraqi forces to protect the air, sea and border after the withdrawal of U.S. Army, and the need for the Iraqis to the presence of U.S. trainers on modern weapons, stressing that the Kurdish leadership tend to keep a limited number of U.S. forces at least in the disputed areas. As a senior leader of the coalition of state law, Hassan Sinead, 19, last June, that survival or the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq is not, however, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, but, however, the Council of Ministers of blocs of political, calling the last to take a unified position on this subject. while the MP said the coalition of state law, and Walid al-Hilli, 25, last June, that Iraq needs for the survival of U.S. forces symbolically to protect the airspace, Kirkuk and other areas subject to approval by the House of Representatives. The head of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Osama Najafi, said in the 23 of June, that the stay of U.S. forces in Iraq depends on the agreement of the political blocs in accordance with governmental request. Iraq has signed and the United States During 2008, the Framework Convention strategy to support the ministries and agencies of the Iraqi transition from the strategic partnership with the Republic of Iraq to the areas of economic, diplomatic, cultural and security, based on reducing the number of reconstruction teams in the provinces, as well as provide an important sustainable rule of law, including police development program and the completion of the coordination and supervision and the report of the Fund of Iraq relief and reconstruction. Under the security agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington that it should withdraw all U.S. forces from all territory and waters and airspace of Iraq no later than December 31 of 2011 now, after the troops withdrew, the United States Fighting under the Convention of the cities, villages and towns in Iraq June 30, 2009.
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